
Thursday 31 October 2013

Don't Register Campaign

Let's continue with the celestial golden hammer. [1] We shall not register to vote for the British corporation. Why? The LORD said 'the corporations create carnage wherever they go'.

Is our non-compliance to the rules of men supported by the law of the prophets? Yes.

Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: Colossians 2:20 

The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19 

Did you get the message? 

Historians have written about the first known census in the Roman provinces of Syria and Judea for tax purposes. Scholars have also argued that the census in the time of Jesus was invented to support a mythological birth in Bethlehem in support of Messianic prophecy. They quote Micah 5:1, where it mentions how little the person is in comparison to the thousands in Judah. 

Is and was Jesus known to be little? No. [2] 

History shows us that in modern times it was the labour party that created the registration for voting. [3]

No surprise then that it is a Labour MP that is calling for a 'benefit ban', if people do not sign up to the British corporation and its realities. Well, that won't impact on Russell Brand will it? Will Russell make up the difference that the Brits face in integrity? 


They have written man-made laws that make registration mandatory, how dare they, who do they think they are? 

Did the people give their consent to mandatory registration to the British corporation? No! Did the British people give their consent to the laws that the British corporation and its supporters have implemented? No. 

Did you know that the law states that if you do not register that they can 'convict' you in one of their courts, and charge you £1,000 plus costs because you do not agree to what they do to our people? 

Did you know that the biblical prophecies for the last days of the end times, warns you about their courts and what they would do to you? Jesus knew full well what would happen in these last days of the end times when we say NO!. 

Those that stand with the heavenly Father righteously, say we will not comply to what the corporations do to our people, and the nations. Simple as that! 

Politicians cannot force my people to live the way they choose for them to live, its time for the new paradigm and everything to be made anew. They shall not crush the will, dignity and integrity of the people, that wish to be free and reclaim their liberty. They shall not tax them from cradle to grave, we do not give our consent to what the corporations and its stakeholders do. 

Righteousness shall not comply, and or bow to the British government and its representatives or its systems. My people were born free.

Christabel defended the women to get them the vote, that did not mean that the vote gave any corporations a power of attorney, for MP's and counsellors to do whatever they like to do. 

Who gave the MP's,  counsellors and GP's, the authority to spend the community purse of the people the way that they decide to do so? 

Who is better at housekeeping a woman or a man? Who is better at selecting the right foods to eat for good health, a woman or a man? When did the men provide good health and well-being to the nations? 

You only have to look at what the men have done during the last 100 years; to see what they have co-created. So the academics are now striking over their pay packets, reality hits their pockets. Boys and their toys. Its growing up time boys, wisdom has had enough. 

The socialism of Jesus is different to the socialism of the politicians. 

With Jesus consent was given to give; based upon the willingness of his followers to do so. 

The true followers of Jesus gave to the poor because our hearts compelled us to do so. That is a true sign that Jesus is in the heart of the givers with the spiritual law. 






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