
Monday 7 October 2013


This planetary news shares some important news on the latest happening at Fukushima and it is news that the whole world should be concerned about. You may remember that the 'Tsunami of Pain' was pre-warned, and after it, people living in Japan were asked to evacuate.

Are the people of the nations equipped to prepare for the impact of Fukushima? It seems that some of the Americans are more prepared than people in other nations due to individuals taking responsibility to defend their state of being. The Israeli's are also well prepared, how about you?

Closer to home we have the story of a council in Wales giving staff 'unlawful payments'  amounting to £488,000. It begs the question how many other councils in the UK are doing the same? Its great isn't it, what they do with the public purse! Seriously, how do people get these jobs? Oh yes the Christian orthodox tell us that they have all the right people in all of the important places, that they've got it all covered. Yea right! This Christabel is blowing the whistle, I've got my buddhist bells as well!

There has also been another major fire in the UK this time in Birmingham New Canal Street Cafe. Interesting that I was talking about Birmingham last night; and the history of Cadbury's that is now American owned. [2] The building on fire used to be a dogs home and it is written that it is a listed building and the press so that the fire is 'severe'.

This recent painting had the fire in it, and I can see the cause of it. How prophetic!


I can even see what looks like a dog in the fire, so no surprise it was a dog's home. 

Last night I was asked why American ownership of the historic Cadbury's is an issue.

My response is as follows:

1. It was what the Americans did. 

2. It was how the Americans did it. 

3. It was where the company went. 

4. It was who the company went to. 

5. It was what they did after they took it over. Jobs moving out of the UK. 

6. Sentiment based upon British history and culture.

7. Its the principle of the matter, we have different values! 

'Cadbury was established in Birmingham by John Cadbury in 1824, who sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate. Cadbury developed the business with his brother Benjamin, followed by his sons Richard and George. George developed the Bournville estate, a model village designed to give the company's workers good living conditions.'  [3] News yesterday was that Cadbury's have been trying to trademark the pantone color purple.  Whatever next! Some people say that it is normal to trademark pantone colours, no its not. It is normal to trademark logos. 

So no, I shall not eat another creme egg or anything else with the Cadbury name. I shall buy British to support British workers. When British people bought British, the nation was successful! So let's do it again to help the children of the nation. The more that the children prosper, the more that they can help people in other nations.

I hear that there is a big snow in central USA, the lunar eclipse hasn't even arrived yet! Big smiles!




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