
Tuesday 8 October 2013

They blame it on the sun

The heavenly Father said 'They blame it on the sun', and then I remembered that there is a Stevie Wonder song with those words. 'Blame it on the sun'. It was featured on his 'Talking Book' album.

The other week an intuitive said to me 'You were an only child', I shared with him that I wasn't, although I was the only one that was there most of the time. Always there for others. However, my mum was an only child, her mother Sophia was forbidden to have any more children by her doctor due to a serious heart condition. My son Jordan is also an only child.

In the heavens elohiym has pitched a tent for the sun. Psalm 19:4. For the Lord elohiym is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Psalm 84:11 

The son of God once spoke to me about the favor that had been bestowed upon me and the reason why. 

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter until the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18 Light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. Ecc 11:7. It certainly pleases my eyes to see my son and his eyes are full of light. 

Prophet Isaiah predicted that the moon would shine as bright as the sun, and the sun would shine seven times brighter. Like the light of seven days. Isa 30:26 As we know seven is the life number of the spiritual teacher.

And so it was that the woman in Rev 12 had the moon under her feet, her moon is in Gemini, the communicator. She also has a large scar on her left foot in the shape of the moon, when she was seven years old she stood on a broken glass that was in the river Medway in Kent.  The child had seven stitches in her foot. As such, the scar is another identification written in her flesh that is mentioned in the scriptures. The moon is under her feet, the scar of the moon!

Isaiah also spoke about the west and how they would respond. 'From the rising of the sun they will revere his glory'. It mentions the pent-up flood, and the breath of the LORD drives along. No surprise then that the breath is part of Reiki healing training courses. Isaiah 59:19.

'My judgements go forth like the sun'. Hosea 6:5.

Prophet Habakkuk mentions the 'flying arrows' and recently I was shown the four directions with two bows with flying arrows. The one that went west was like a firework as large as a comet. To the east the flying arrow turned into a parachute.

'Sun and moon stood still in the heavens at the glint of your flying arrows, at the lightening of your flashing spear' Hab 3:11

'For you that revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays'. Malachi 4:2

No surprise then that Malachi gave a clue to the name of the sun of righteousness; and that they would  be a healer. In the Dead Sea Scrolls it is the teacher of righteousness; and Prophet Isaiah predicted that the coat of many colors of Joseph would come again. That also links in with the flame of Joseph predicted by Prophet Obadiah for the last days of the end times.

In some spiritual symbology the sun is also feminine. In the symbology of Plato the heat and light of the sun are creativity and wisdom. Hence, the importance of her creative Spirit, and the wisdom that she  conveyed during her life. As Jesus predicted. 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions', 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words'. This picture reminds me of an elephant although there is a lot of green in it. While I was painting it I could feel the water of the oceans.  It also looks like a snorkel that a diver would wear.

I can hear the sound of 'tuning forks', that I have used in healing therapy in the past.

A perfect sound!

Tuesday morning this image is on the BBC website taken by NASA.  Its clearly a feminine energy.

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