
Sunday 6 October 2013


Recently I shared with you what I had seen in the vision of the four directions. I shared with you what I had seen in the North. In the South I saw a little pair of red shoes like tap shoes, like flamenco dancers wear. I had worn tap shoes just like it when I was a child. My first shoes were also red. 

Last night I saw the little red shoes again. The child was about 2-3 years old. She was gorgeous. Her mum was singing at an annual UK event, she also sang about Jesus. The child kept on pointed upwards to heaven, bless her. When her mother had finished singing I shared the vision of the red shoes that I had received. 

This is a time of returning to our local communities to help where we can to bring social justice forth. Last night while I was making a drink the heavenly Father said 'Social Visionary' it is certainly the time of the social visionaries. 


This mandala also came to be last night for a local community centre, and I see the fruit in the mandala in addition to the creativity of it. 


The question of divine names has appeared in the public domain again today. Here is the response to it:

When you are ready to receive a divine name from the divine; it is indeed given. Many names are given on the journey as your energies change. In 2006 after the first mission to Israel, Jesus called me 'Lotus Feet' during a divine experience with him and the briefing.  

The most recent name he calls me by is 'Christabel'. Due to the Christabel energies that I found myself in due to what took place in 2011. There is also a mission that pertains to it with social justice for our people, children and communities. 

However, the name that Yahweh calls me by will be the name on the memorial when I leave the planet. That name was given in 2007 prior to the second mission to Israel, and the name encompasses many realities. It includes the name he summoned me by prior to the first mission Israel, it also includes the birth name on the birth certificate that can also be found in the scriptures. 

The divine names are given as a blessing and they do change with the vibrational energies and what mission you have been given, when you have been given it for divine purpose. 

When you are first given divine names they can be hard to accept. So in the early days I used to wait for others to give me confirmation of them. 

One of the names that I was known by was also imparted to me by two other people and I had not shared with them the name that I had been given by Archangel Michael. So in that instance the same name was given three times!. I was known by that sacred name in the public domain for many years. 

The more divine experience I received, the greater my confidence and trust in the divine became. I did not look for it, it came to me because the divine know why they called me and what for. It was divine will. I had no choice but to align my will, with divine will for the benefit of humanity. 

The more that people heal themselves, I discovered, the more the divine purpose of the person is revealed. It is like an unfolding of a beautiful flower; that moves from being a bud to blossoming with many fragrant petals. 

So one can view the different individual names as a petal on the Lotus flower, and the scientists like the Lotus Effect of self-cleaning. 

The mystical poet Rumi comprehended the mystical reality of the names very well. 


A mystic is one
who passes away.

He abides in the essence
of that which is Real.

Such a person is pure,
clear wine without dregs.

Now whole, he displays
the Most Beautiful Names.

One of the theme songs of the 'Harp of Faithfulness' that was divinely given during the lifetime of it. 


Love beyond measure 

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