
Friday 6 September 2013

White Stone and David

With all of the talk of war at G20 and with people around the world. It is important to remember that all it took was David to pick up the stone in the will of the LORD, and then Goliath was gone. That is why Jesus spoke of the importance of the 'White Stone' that is featured in the book of Revelation. He also spoke of sharing the throne with the one that he placed upon it. The person that picked up the white stone whilst they were in Assisi, Italy in 2003 came to comprehend the fullness of its meaning in the years that followed.

In recent years the white selenite sphere split in two like when the rock split in two for Moses and the water gushed out of it for the people that were thirsty. Shiloh did come with the sceptre as predicted. 

The two halves were placed back together and it was put upon the ring that had also come into her reality. To this day, it still sits on the ring in her bedroom on her right, with other spiritual gifts that were blessed upon her during the journey. In front of her on the wall is a mandala in her sacred space. 


The executive that became a pioneer.

The trail blazer that gave children and people the opportunity to change their lives to improve them and empower them by taking their power back.   It is now her second Saturn Return. In 2005, she said to a man of science 'I can't do this without you', he replied 'Yes you can, you've done it before, and you can do it again'. After that, the new website for spiritual psychology was designed, and the mission to Israel was bestowed and a new journey began.

So what will the second Saturn Return bring combined with the Jupiter Return? Let's wait and see what the heavenly Father reveals to us. Will the executive that became a pioneer, become an executive again? As I once said to a friend 'you never know what is around the corner'. For the heavenly Father knows his will for the one that he blessed with it. Remember this; the old heaven and earth is passing away in this timeline and everything will be made anew.

It's no coincidence that there was a report yesterday that there have been more papers published on snowboarding, than human extinction. The academics did such a great job didn't they? Humanity are being given an opportunity for recovery or extinction. Choose wisely!

1 comment:

  1. The eclipse where I wrote about the 'Courage to Manifest'.
