
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Selah Message

Last night prior to rest, I was pondering on everything especially the global situation and those that are holding on to the old paradigm with all that they do. Then the heavenly Father said 'Selah',

However, it sounded like like 'Sellay' the nearest Hebrew word that I could find to it is 'Selah'. Although the sound of it is like 'Slay', like David did to Goliath with a single stone in his catapult in the will of the LORD.

If you look at the Jewish links about it, they do not seem to comprehend the meaning of the word  'Selah', that appears in the Psalms. Did King David give the mystics an encoded message? Did King David leave a powerful message for Shiloh? Did he leave an encoded message for the Harp of Faithfulness that he knew would come at night time to help the people?

Some have even written that it could be an abbreviation, S.E.L.A.H.


E - Elijah = ELI =  ELIAKIM

L - Lamed = Shepherds staff, L for Lotus

A - Aleph = In the beginning, the start if it.

H - Hesed = Charity, mercy, loving-kindness.

There was a King in Israel with the name 'Elah', and his family was murdered by those that wished to take his place. No coincidence then that my genetic father experienced those that opposed him, and yes he did die due to what they did to him. Does it remind you of what they are doing in Syria?

Remember what they have done to journalists and scientists that speak the truth?

Why does it take a stone of a humble person, a young shepherd with the staff to bring sense to the nations? To bring a heart of conscience to the fore? The end of the spiritual journey is Omega.

Yes, the OM is powerful isn't it, the sound of it, does it resonate with your soul?

How about the mega O, not the 'O' for Obama, the 'O' for the wholeness and completion that shalom truly speaks of. What do orthodox Christians know of wholeness? What do they know of the shamanic teachings of the Hebrews of the desert? What do they truly know of the one that they called 'Jesus' and what he actually did do behind the scenes? What do they know about the ones that Jesus truly chose due to their heart of pure intention and integrity?

What do they know about the nation of Israel, and the people that he was sent to help? What do they know about the true revelation about him that King David sang about? What do they know about the heart of King David that also sang of her that would come after him? What do they truly know of the songs of the mystics and healers? Did they think that the staff was simply a hockey stick to hit a ball?

Did they consider that children are just a sport? To be put into teams to compete against each other,  until one team wins? What kind of men are you? That entertainment is your only entertainment?

What kind of men are you, that keep my children in poverty? What kind of men are you that 'socially engineer' children to do your will, so that you get the best pick of the crop for the corporations to tax to the hilt?

What kind of men are you that only give jobs to people that align with your 'religion', 'doctrines' or 'dogma'? What kind of men are you, that vote for war against the children of Syria? What kind of men are you that stand against Israel? What kind of men are you that stand against innocent children? What kind of men are you Israel, if you do not defend the people of Syria by stopping any war against it?

What country are you USA, what kind of man are you Obama, for doing what you do to the children of other nations and your own? What kind of relationship do you have with your wife Obama? Do you drone strike your wife and children also? How about you Saudi, and the rest of Arabia?

Why did Jesus speak of the white stone do you know? Why a 'White' stone? He was giving you all a message. That she would come from a Western nation not the Middle East. Why? She has to call you out and do the count impartially.

My left foot is weak, my right foot is strong, making sure that I continue to walk the right spiritual way. My left foot was weakened by Israel and what its 'orthodox' have done, my right foot was given strength by the LORD Almighty and his Son.

Can you say the same? Do you truly comprehend it?

Can you truly walk the path of holiness as I have done? Can you be so devoted, so committed, so essentially pure in your intention? Can you be truly loyal to the spiritual that have stayed loyal, and faithful to the upright spiritual path and way?

Can you do it all for love, integrity and honor?

Can you love beyond measure with compassionate action beyond measure?

Will you be merciful?

Merciful enough to comprehend the 'plight' of the Egyptians, Syrians, Israelis, and Gazan's that they have become?

Are you merciful enough to comprehend the 'gay' people that were made like it to help you integrate unconditional love?

Are you merciful enough to embrace the poor, and say 'I love you' we shall exalt you in the name of the LORD?

Are you merciful enough to say to the physically 'blind', you shall see through your 'third eye' and we will help you to do it?

Are you merciful enough to say that we shall heal the world together, you and I together, we can co-create miracles with the will of God by our side and in our hearts.

Will you reach out to me and say 'Yes' we shall do it together?

Will you ever console my heart if you say no, to miracles?

Will you ever console my heart if you say, no, to the truth?

Will you ever reach my heart if you have not seen, what I have seen?

Will you ever reach my knowing, if you have not known what I have known?

Will you ever reach my level of experience, if you have not lived what I have experienced, divine and otherwise?

How can I prove to you, what you do not wish to be proven?

How can I reach your hearts, if you do not wish for me to do so?

If I cannot reach you, with my pure intentional heart and merciful love, then how will the LORD reach you?

How will he turn your hearts, if you do not accept the one that he sent to do so?

Entrusted with much to help you all, all in the will of God and his Son.

There is nothing more for me to say to any of you. For you shall reap what you have sown!

If you sowed true love, compassion and mercy in integrity, it shall be yours. If you loved and accepted the one that the LORD sent more than once, then you are to be congratulated.

The LORD sent many Angels to my door of selflessness, from many nations.

I have decades of experience to know, that I am in his heart.

Do you truly know it in your hearts of conscience?

Are you truly in his heart, due to him being in your heart?

How can I love you greater. than I am always with you?

When I am with you, he is also with you.

This is a time of replenishment, replenishing the love, replenishing the healers of our nations.

Replenishing the poor of the nations in our arms of love.

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