
Sunday 8 September 2013

'Bedroom Tax' Tidings

It is with great joy in my heart that I have been able to share the glad tidings from the UN Watchdog that one of their members is carrying out a thorough investigation into the British 'Bedroom Tax' that has been introduced by the Cameron government.

The 'Bedroom Tax' that we have campaigned against since 2012. We kept on banging those drums; and blowing that whistle until eventually something was done about it. We persevered and persevered, as I sang as a child with the RAB in social housing, we shall overcome. What kind of people would we be if we didn't defend ourselves and the poor of our nations?

I often wonder how some people can sleep at night with the knowing of what has been done to the poor for generations; by those that keep on coming up with new taxes. 

Special rapporteur Raquel Rolnik is charged with assessing whether member states have delivered on the 'right to adequate housing', and the investigation will include the 'eviction threats driving people to suicide'. [1] As we know 'procurement of suicide' is against the law. Sadly, there has been another 'suicide' recently in England, that amounts to at least four people since the 'bedroom tax' was introduced in April 2013.

So what do the prophecies say about the tidings? 'The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host: Psalm 68:11. 'I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation. Behold, I will not restrain my lips, O LORD you know'. Psalm 40:9. 

In Hebrew there appears to be a few different words for 'tidings' and it depends on what those 'tidings' relate to. In some verses it is a word that means the sharing and spreading of good news. Or news of events. In other verses; the word can mean information, or a report e.g. SHEMA. The root of the word 'shema' is 'shama' and it means 'to listen' 'to hear' and 'to do', what a person has been asked to do. The campaign against the 'Bedroom Tax' does have merit, and in Buddhism and Hinduism the merit is also related to the spiritual law and good deeds. 

The word for tidings is to do with the tide, the water that is feminine in nature. Shiloh. Remember that when the tide comes it cannot be stopped; when the water comes for the purification of the nations in the will of the LORD who can stop it? Prophet Isaiah also provided a prophecy about Shiloh, and that the children would come in this timeline. Isaiah 8. Selah 

I look forward to a good outcome for the poor of this nation; in the will of the LORD Almighty for the poor are innocent of what has been done to them for generations. In pure intention may the report carried out by UN Watchdog; bring victory for the righteous that have campaigned against the 'Bedroom Tax'. 

Those that had the good hearts of conscience to defend, and say NO! enough is enough. Can those that have 'threatened eviction' be taken to court? Legally, yes. Should every single penny of what people have paid in 'Bedroom Tax', be returned to the people? 100%. They should also be given compensation for all of the heartache; it has caused the people and their families.

Justice must be done for the righteous and the poor that we defend.




  1. UN Human Rights Watch calls for the 'Bedroom Tax to be abolished'. Full report will be released in 2014.

  2. More of what Raquel Rolnik had to say about it.
