
Sunday 8 September 2013

Pensioner Saved by Raindrops

Metro report that a 77 year old pensioner has been saved by raindrops;; it is a miracle indeed. Historian Alastair McFadyen lived on raindrops that he caught in his handkerchief when he was trapped in his car for three days near Argyll Scotland. How amazing is that? [1]

A few days ago this painting came in I was going to call it dentistry. However now I shall it call miracle due to the car of the man being red. Now it is scanned and turned on its side; I can see a face in the painting. The color of the face reminds me of the palm oil; and due to its nutrients I recommend it for behind the ears and neck as well. Especially if you use a mobile phone. I do my utmost to only use a mobile phone for emergencies. However, if the man who had been saved by raindrops had kept his mobile in the front of the car for emergencies, then he wouldn't have been trapped in the car for three days. Three days is also prophetic; and Jesus spoke about the three days in terms of millennia. How wonderful then that we can share glad tidings such as this. A man saved by raindrops.




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