
Sunday 8 September 2013

Joni Mitchell and Morgellons

In recent days we have been honoring the songs sung by Joni Mitchell, and this is a lovely song called 'Cactus Tree', and she sings about a lady that lives in freedom, and who she meets on her journey. As we know the key word of the 'Aquarian' is 'Freedom' and this is the Aquarian Age of the Water Bearer.

A song from the 70's, beautifully sung by Joni Mitchell. I am just looking at Joni's profile and why I have been so drawn to her songs in recent days. Her profile states that the Canadian, Joni Mitchell is currently receiving treatment for 'Morgellons'. She told the the Los Angeles Times on April 22 2010, about disease saying, "I have this weird, incurable disease that seems like it's from outer space, but my health's the best it's been in a while". She was a survivor of polio when she was a child, so I wonder what medication they gave her at that time and after her child was adopted.


Joni also mentions how those that have Morgellons are often sent for 'psychiatric' treatment and that she knows how 'conservative the medical body can be'. [1] 

Well you know how I feel about the medical profession due to a family history of what they did to their bodies and mine due to physical health. However on the rest, I agree with Dr Peter Breggin about 'Toxic Psychiatry' [3] and also what Carl Jung said about those doctors that come up with new medical 'labels' to support even more big pharma. 

I notice that Dr Peter Breggin has uploaded some news about a jury award of £1.5 million for 'suicide involving antidepressants' based upon his testimony. Fantastic news. Breggin wrote:: 

'After the verdict, plaintiff's attorney Ernest DelDuchetto told me, "It was comforting to see a jury agree with our proposition that these drugs (antidepressants) are not panaceas for all sadness," and that they can have serious harmful effects.

Suicide malpractice suits are notoriously difficult to win. Juries, like most people, want to hold individuals responsible for their self-destructive behavior. They are reluctant to blame a suicide on a drug or on a doctor's negligent behavior.' 

As I have said previously many people are innocent of what is being done to them; due to them giving their power away to the medical profession. 

The prophecies for the last days of the end times; warned against the medical profession and the local councils. No surprise then that the local councils have also become corporations that are selling off the assets that the people in the area paid for. 

Link to Joni's  current website. [2] 

Maybe the LORD will bring me some Morgellon cases to work with hands on in 2014. 

However, first I have another important matter to attend to. 

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