
Monday 9 September 2013

Tai Airways Event Predicted

At 07.11 pm on Sunday evening I posted this message. 'Watch for the nose; its in the nose. Feels like a 'nose dive' coming very soon. I'm having a Chinese for dinner how about you'.  'Yea, and its home cooked!'

After the message was posted last night these paintings came in.



Colors of Kuan Yin who hears the sounds of the world 

Now today there is news that a plane flying from Guangzhou, China carrying 288 passengers and 14 crew members did a 'nose dive' off the runway at Bankok's main airport in Thailand. The plane was a Tai Airways Airbus 330-300 skidded off the runway after its landing gear 'malfunctioned'. Apparently it was the second event for Tai Airways in less than two weeks. Live action can be seen on the Telegraph link. [1] 

Did you get the memo Thailand? Did you get the memo China? 

13 people were injured while evacuating the plane. 

  The numeric of 13 is the date of my birth. 

The Children sing 

Those that comprehend Hebrew gematria also comprehend what it means. 

'Love' 'The One'. [2] 

333 is also to do with wisdom and the Sophia wisdom gateway opening in Greece. 

In scripture; Jesus predicted that 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions. 

Wisdom will be proven right by HER words'. 

In Rev 13 wisdom stands against Obama. 

People that know about the predictions of Lotus Feet also know that when she speaks of the nose; it relates to activity with planes. So what else do I have to share with you? Time for all the nations to lay down their 'weapons' daughter Zion is here. Micah 4.

China you must leave Tibet, and Greece as well. May the will of the heavenly Father be done.

Today is the 9th of September 2013, and it is the anniversary of the day when yours truly delivered and embedded the new everlasting covenant for the children in Jerusalem, Israel in 2007. Daughter Jerusalem arrived in perfect timing.



1 comment:

  1. The heavenly Father said 'There has been another plane crash'. So I looked to see what else there was.

    Glider Vancouver Canada.



    Who played at Woodstock? Joni Mitchell

    See the Joni Mitchell and Morgellon post
