
Thursday 26 September 2013


I was compelled to do this painting today for a couple that have recently found love together. I held them in my heart and then began to paint. HaShem said 'UMBRA FIELDS'. That is the first time that the heavenly Father as spoken about 'Umbra Fields' to me so it is very important to this mandala and its story. 

When the couple first got together I felt cornflower blue with them. As blue as the cornflower, as bright as the sapphire, the flame of truth, and it does apply to sensitive people. Umbra reminds me of Umbria in Italy, St Francis of Assisi and St Clare. I was in Umbria in 2002 and 2003. The reason I first went to Umbria was because an Italian had contacted me to go there to teach a past life healing therapy called 'PLE' short for 'Past Life Energetics'. 

However, our heart connection was so strong, it was definitely a past life connection of beloveds, and both were totally open to each other and the flame of truth that united us in the heart. Pliny the Elder wrote that Umbria was related to a tribal name of the ancient 'Umbri' andhe wrote that in Greek it means 'a shower'. Hence the colour of water in the mandala, and the fact that the couple have past life connection with each other and also the two people that reunited in Umbria in 2002. 

Interesting that there is also a place in the UK with the name 'Cumbria' and that is in the lake district. So it is quite likely that they all have a past life connection there as well. Umbria and Cumbria clearly have a link with the artist of this mandala due to its connections with Qumran and the word 'QUM' in Hebrew and QOM in Arabic. 

The 'Umbra Fields' are clearly to do with 'past lives' and the 'memories of injuries'. Sometimes it is due to those memories of injuries that can be a force of attraction between two people. Especially if they seek to heal it. Memories of injuries can manifest in many different ways; they resurface so that they can be healed. To ensure a person does not carry them over into another lifetime, and when we heal the self we also heal group consciousness. So it is healthy for humanity. 

Many people are finding each other at this point in time to heal lifetimes of those memories; that could have kept them apart from reaching their wholeness and being together once again. If people are willing to heal it together, then they can move forward together, and they then have very powerful truth to share with humanity. 

However, it can also impact in this lifetime due to physical injuries. So for instance if a person 'broke a limb',  and they did not receive the appropriate 'umbra field' healing work combined with deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy. The memory of the injury remains in the tissue and that can then impact on the nervous system and muscles years later. So all injuries have to be healed including those of pregnant women and those that have had operations, car crashes, etc etc. 

The meridians are also like an electrical circuit and as we know even electrical circuits can be impacted upon. The body is the same, the meridians and nadi's are a blueprint of the nervous system that then impacts on muscles, tendons, etc. 

Hence, the spiritual law of attraction will often bring people together for the healing process to take place and it is all part of the spiritual law of cause and effect. The more that you give, the more that you receive, 30, 60, or 100 fold. In this timeline it is a thousand fold due to the intensity of the planet at this time of the flame of Joseph as predicted by Prophet Isaiah. 

This couple do have important work to do based upon their own life experiences and what they have come to share with humanity. They also have a very strong past life connection with the 'Empaths',  and they have a mission to help them to connect together to share their experiences in a safe and sacred environment on-line. Hence, why you can also see the buds of two mystic roses in the mandala as well.

The blue mystic roses are for achieving the impossible and mine was given to me by the holy mother.

This is a great work of healing and its a few years ago now when the heavenly Father was speaking of the 'Couple'. There is certain work that can only be done when two people are together, doing it together. That is why Jesus sent out his healers two at a time, because when two people work together on one person at the same time, the healing can be faster and it is definitely more intensive. 

It is time for the miracle workers to work together to clear the 'Umbra Fields' of the 'Memories of Injuries' and as we know many mystics and healers have been 'injured' in past lives and this lifetime as well on many different levels of being. 

I also remember a past life case where three women who were aromatherapists also had their limbs removed in the time of the Cathars, so that they could not carry on together with their miracle works. Hence, men that carried out those limb removals also require healing as well because it was the men that stood in their way just like it is often the case, that the male energy can stand in the way of good works in this lifetime. That is why its imperative that people are drawn towards the right people at this time that can help them with this healing process of the 'wounded healers', that can also vibrate with Chiron. 

In the mandala painting I see the beautiful cornflowers and their seeds of truth for this couple, I also see a ring of fire around them both like a sacred hoop and ring past not. Ensuring that this couple complete what they have come to do together. Surrounding them, I see the dolphins of unconditional love embracing them with joy to their mission together. 

We can also find 'Umbra' connected to the eclipses and it is written that the 'Observer of the umbra experiences a total eclipse.' The next total solar eclipse comes on November 3rd, 2013. So it is bound to be very powerful because it is a hybrid. November 3 is the 'Day of Endurance', and I did say to the couple that the patience and perseverance brings its own rewards. Their reward for their giving of each other to humanity, is that they were given each other to live it joyfully. 

In the healing of the 'injuries', the healing light comes back into full flow and is magnified a 1,000 times. It is time for the healers to show the world again what it can do to help humanity in a serious, dedicated and devoted way. In this time of replenishment of all that is good for the way showers. 

This song is for those that have a past life connection with the Umbri tribe from ancient times that lived in what is now known as Italy. While I was in Umbria walking upon the land, I saw an amazing heart chakra and I did manage to photograph it in the umbra fields.

Arise blessed ones and do your best. 



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