
Wednesday 25 September 2013

E Birthday Painting Mandala

This is a birthday blessing for E, hope you like it and had a great birthday. The 24th September is the 'Day of Wanderer' and they are mentioned in the earliest Christian text known as the 'Didache'.

You were born in the week of the Virgo-Libra cusp. The mandala as the flames of the sun, and when I look at the painting from a distance the blue looks like the world. The open flower indicates the blossoming of the richness of your being. It is encircled in a ring of transformation like the sacred hoop, and the colors chosen for you are strongly Native American.

"And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the centre grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy". Black Elk, Oglala Lakota Medicine Man. [1]

It is placed upon the golden energy and it is very strong with you, it is important for you to accept it, because it can help you to transform your life. It is natural that you should be given art on this birthday, for the beauty of the color of art is what compels your heart to the good. As we know, there are many different arts, all of which have something very positive to offer humanity to help it with its transition. Your heart and its art is in development, and blossoming when it is placed correctly in the right location. The seed of love beyond measure was always in your heart, it just required some watering so that it could burst open, and sprout a wonderful flower in your heart.

I keep on feeling dance with you, and it is imperative that you express yourself through your movement. The moves that you make will show you the way to go, your steps, and where they are taking you. and for the right purpose. I also see a dancer for you, dance with passion, beauty, and elegance. You must be with an energy that is harmonic to yours, peaceful, graceful and powerful. The right balance that is unified; is essential for you to be healthy in a love union.

Much love to you on the journey ahead.


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