
Friday 27 September 2013


This painting came in last night and the colors indicate a transformation of the energies and I do see where they are coming from in the USA. Today I read an email from a David Lichterman, a contact from the Universal Alliance News Agency. American, David Lichterman basically supports the war against Syria.

In response to David Lichterman from the Universal Alliance News Agency. 

Maschiach spreads the seeds of truth. Not much has changed has it in 2,000 years. 

From the essay:  "Therein is the paradox. America is simultaneously the most professedly Christian of the developed nations and the least Christian in its behavior."

As one Christian American once wrote: ‘It is better to be rebuked, than for love to remain hidden’ 

Well this love is hidden no more, even though the light of love does trigger others into looking within themselves for the root causes of the core issues. 

So yes, righteousness will call out those that support war against Syria as ordained to do. Justice comes through righteousness and its faithfulness. Daughter Zion is here now so best you read Micah 4. 

Of course that doesn't make me 'popular' as you claim, nor do I do what I do for the reasons that you state. Although those that know my integrity accept the righteousness that is conveyed for all of the right reasons and divine purpose. They know that she did it all for love. 

This flame of truth continues to plant the seeds of truth and its loving kindness globally. There is nothing that any of you can do to stop the light of love sharing with the world. Although many of you have tried in recent years. 

The global truth movement are against any war against Syria or intervention by Americans or the British government in the Middle East. Why is that? The global truth movement know that foreign governments are involved in both sides; and we will not support what they are co-creating in the Middle East. Cultural genocide is going on in different nations under your noses, so get your own houses in order. 

Many people in the USA support war against Syria and that includes the Liberals.  David Lichterman also writes about how the Americans won WW2. Well the Brits in the truth movement do not agree with him, and nor do I. Enough of the Americans that support war against other nations, enough of the men that stand against yours truly. I will publish the names of contacts that stand for war against Syria, I will do it for the children of Syria.
In zealous compassionate action of divine love. 

Harp of Faithfulness

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