
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Southern Spain Buzzer

When I woke up this morning I was given 'Southern Spain', then I heard a door buzzer that sounded like this.

After I heard the door buzzer my attention was taken to the Beatles song again.

From the Beatles lyrics

'Was she told when she was young that pain
Would lead to pleasure?
Did she understand it when they said
That a man must break his back to earn
His day of leisure?
Will she still believe it when he's dead?' 

When I looked at the news there was data on how the economy has impacted on the health of the nations and especially the youth. [1] There is a tectonic plate boundary in Southern Spain between Eurasia and the African plates. So best not to live in that area. The other day I met a Spanish girl at the bus stop and she was saying how Seville is below sea level as well. Here are some nice pics of the region around Grenada. [2] 

The sound of the buzzer indicates a home due to buzzers being on the door frame, so the message relates to where people live.  Southern Spain indicates the area and region where the door buzzer is being rung. In my humble view it is a warning about who you open the door to. Last night this painting also came in so I shall call it Spain.


The Beatles song mentions a 'man dead', and how men work until their 'backs are broken'. The song mentions a girl that has a story to tell, and the video features a white horse. The white horse also appears in the book of Revelation. The Beatles were giving humanity an important and provocative message with their song.

Here is a link for the latest earthquake information for the med. There are quite a few 5+ in the med but there does not appear to be anything listed for Southern Spain. [3] Here is some planetary news.

The word for 'Buzzer' in Spanish is 'Bebida' and it can mean 'Spirit, drink or drinking'. [4]

Just looked at the news for Spain and news about African immigrants came up.  [5] Their way into Europe is via Southern Spain and there has been a crackdown in the Canaries recently on illegal immigrants.

The 18th of September is the 'Day of Mystery', and I do know a person that lives in Southern Spain and he runs a 'Mystery School' with his life partner.

The heavenly Father is talking about the 'Looting', so I had a look about that and this video is about what took place in 2012. The heavenly Father tells me it has been going on since 2005.

The word 'Looting' only seems to appear in the book of Samuel, and it is to do with the 'Philistine forces'. 'Are looting the threshing floor'. 1 Samuel 23:1-3. David is sent to save Keilah.

The word 'Keilah' means 'Fortress' in Hebrew, and it was a city in the lowlands of Judah. As we know the DNA of King Tut has been scientifically proven to be Western Iberian. Southern Spain also has a strong Islamic presence due to it being ruled by Islam for 700 years. Prophet Nehemiah mentions 'Keilah' in terms of the repairs in chapter 3 and it also mentions Zadok.

News on Islam, Spain and the African continent. 

'Spanish authorities are especially concerned about the threat posed by Salafism, a radical strain of Islam that seeks to re-establish an Islamic empire [Caliphate] across the Middle East, North Africa and Spain, which Salafists view as a Muslim state that must be reconquered for Islam.' [7]

More social engineering by Islam. Hence why Islamic Africans are being urged to make their way to Spain.  So what else do we have on the 'philistine forces?'. Raymond Ibrahim has written an article; 'Vote for Me, Or Else: Islamists' Latest Excuse to Kill Minorities'. 'This threat - demanding that Christians and other minorities vote for the same Islamist leaders who persecute them, "or else", - has taken root in other countries as well'. See the full article for more information on what has been taking place in Egypt.  [8]. 

1 comment:

  1. In the above post I shared with you that the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Looting'. There is now news that 'Looting' has taken place in Mexico'.
