
Tuesday 17 September 2013


In the 'Cultural Genocide UK', post I shared the dream that I received on the morning of 9/11 in 2013. I also posted it in the public domain at that time. The information in that blog post refers to the USA and the 'man hand holding a broken tool'. [1] Last night prior to looking at the news this painting also came in. I shall call it 'NAVY' due to the event that followed the dream received on the 9th of September 2013, prior to me being shown what had taken place in DC. I had been out with a friend for the evening, so I did not see the news about this event until late last night.


There are two things that pinged out for me to do with the recent event in the USA. An event that promotes Hewlett Packard. Is it a coincidence HP had a major product launch on the day of the so-called shooting? [1] 

Is it a coincidence that the photo’s provided by the government agency do not match the facial features; they are simply not the same!  Nor is the skin coloring. In these two pictures; the eyes are different, the brow, nose, lips, shape of face is different. 

The high cost of international PR, overcome by one event! I am sorry to say, how clever of the American corporation. This is not the first shooting event that has coincided with major corporation involvement and product branding. They know how to hit two birds with one stone, promote the ‘brand’ of a corporation at the same time as bring forth the 'gun law' debate. However, many Americans are now awake! 

You may remember the information about the dream that I had on 9/11, and about the ‘man’s hand with the broken tool’’ that I saw. If you have read the news about the Navy shooting, then you will know that it is written that Aaron Alexis worked for HP. Not only that but the press release also mentions 9/11 and how he felt and responded to that in 2004.  It mentions the vehicles that were involved,,, and I also wrote about that when I shared my dream with you. 

Last night, I came across this American video on the ‘broken tool’ and it mentions ‘shooting’. You will also see a helicopter in it and last night there was also news that Turkey just shot down a Russian built, Syrian helicopter. As I wrote a few days ago, if Obama can't create a war against Syria, he will do his utmost to create it in a different location. 

Broken Tool Rant

Its no coincidence that a man that is an American leader in the truth movement, also has the name of Alex. A man that stood against yours truly! A man that supports 'violence'', instead of the way of shalom and its wholeness.  I did my utmost to prove to him that 'violence only brings more violence', and that the real solution is to solve the root causes at the grass roots. Then the people are no longer a ‘broken tool’, to be used by others that treat them like 'pawns' in the aspiration for 'American global domination of the nations' and their 'economic hitmen' like Alex. 

These times are not easy for any of us that know the stark reality of the truth. However, we must confront it to ensure that our nations do not become 'carbon copies' of the USA. Where a child dies every hour due to 'guns and violence'. Its not just because of the 'guns', its also due to the 20 million children that have been fed big pharma for generations in the USA. Including their military, and I did predict that the October 18 lunar eclipse will impact on them. 

It is no coincidence that Alex uses the avatar name of 'SHR', and it means 'Moon', it is no coincidence that the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. 

We must confront it because Jesus said ‘Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world’.

However, what is important is how we confront it; and those that wish for 'violence'' to be our present and future culture. What is their motive? To keep humanity in the 'never ending cycles of self-destruction.'  A provocative song from the Beatles about how 'man has to work until his back is broken.'  Ironic?

Liberation and freedom is the keynote of this Age of Aquarius. 

One step at a time! 

Love beyond measure 



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