
Monday 16 September 2013


After I posted this video of an African-American lady confronting McCain, a man wrote 'I don't understand why it was specified that she's African-American. I explained the reason being that there have been lots of other videos of people confronting McCain. This is a different video and as such, it was a way of indicating it.

Then the heavenly Father spoke and he said 'Amare', in Latin Amare means 'Beloved'. Amare reminds me of horses and it can mean 'to love', or 'love', In Hebrew we also find the word 'Amariah', and it means 'word of God'. [1] Studylight share with us that the word 'amare' corresponds to 'Philein' in Greek. [2] As we know in Greek, Philip means 'Lover of Horses'. Hence, you can see how it all connects up.


So when a person is 'amare' they are being love by speaking the word of God.

As the Son of God said in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

Joel chapter 2 mentions those that have the appearances of horses. In Habakkuk chapter 1:8, their horses are swifter than leopards; and those with Leopard faces in the prophecies are the Obama supporters. Rev 13 also mentions the Leopard as does the book of Daniel.

In Habakkuk 3, 'You trampled the sea with your horses, churning the great waters'. In the prophecy of Zechariah 1, 'there are red, white and brown horses.' Zechariah 14,  'On that day holy to the Lord will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the Lord’s house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar.' 

No surprise then that when I was a child I wore bells on my feet as a teenager. Of course it was the 60's and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius of supreme love of the humanitarian. The coat of many colors of Joseph. The flame that lights the matches in heaven, meira, the lighting of devotion to the cause of love. 

Rev 18 mentions the horses and the human beings that were sold as slaves, Rev 18 is about the USA. It is the only nation that fits the full criteria of Rev 17 and Rev 18. 



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