
Sunday 15 September 2013

Rachel - Vibration of Names

I was painting last night, and at the time of this painting, I was pondering upon a friends daughter who has the name of 'Rachel', so I shall call the painting 'Rachel'. The name 'Rachel', can mean 'lamb' and it is a symbol of purity, innocence and gentility. [1]  

Its important to be very gentle with people with the name of Rachel; due to their vibrational frequency due to their name. I have met a few different Rachel's during my life so I can speak from experience. 

One of them I met on holiday and she became a close friend. One was an academic a Senior University lecturer that became a Reiki student and so did her daughter. Another was engaging in clairvoyant development. Then there is the daughter of a friend, who I first met when she was a small child. Now she is grown up and has a child of her own. I also did a painting for her mum last night. 


Planetary news 14th September, 2013. 

The 14th September is the 'Day of Perceptive Critic'. 


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