
Saturday 14 September 2013

18th October - Lunar Eclipse

There is a penumbral lunar eclipse coming on October 18, 2013 and it is going to be a big one for Canada and those that were born there, so keep an eye out for Kevin Annett at this time and his campaign against the Vatican and its employees.

It will be followed on November 3 with a hybrid solar eclipse. I will do a different post on that nearer the time.

October 18 is the 'Day of Personal Leadership', and it comes in the 'Week of Theatre', so it is an excellent time for conferences, those speaking at conferences, and those involved in personal development that is co-creating new leaders. By this point the spiritual community should have a very clear path and direction, if you don't know what your path or direction is, then best to concentrate on your self-development and self-healing until your divine purpose is revealed to you.

As we know Steve Jobs knew how to create the theatre for maximum impact, he knew how to bring home the message. However, there has to be a balance in life, with outer life and inner world. Maybe if Steve Jobs had concentrated more on his inner life and self-healing; prior to the disease manifesting he would still be with us now.

It is a time of replenishment of the weary souls in the spiritual community with love and affection. Sound healing and good food is a great way to replenish yourselves. World views are definitely changing and the people with it, they simply have no choice. Those that refuse to embrace the new spiritual and scientific paradigm; are 'perishing' due to them being 'fixed' about what they are doing, their lifestyle choices; and how they choose to exist on this planet. It is cause and effect of reaping what you sow.

It can indicate a time when relationships will come to the fore again, especially for those that feel 'neglected' by partners, family or friends. So we could see some relationship shifts happening around this time with people parting ways. Its a week of people wishing to take centre stage, and Putin has certainly been doing that recently. If people become dependent on others it can make them restless, because too much dependence on one person is not healthy for anyone. Hence, the example of Putin stepping up to the plate to counteract Obama is indicative of this timeline of this eclipse that is coming.

Putin is also a Libra so his energy will be powerful at this time. The advice given for the week is this:

'Beware of making promises you can't keep. Consider carefully the possible repercussions of your actions. Sometimes it is necessary to play a part but don't kid yourself in the process. Be more considerate of the feelings of others; devote sufficient time and patience to emotional matters'. 

So it is a warning about being over-confident at this point. The advice from authors Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers reminds me of the heavenly Father's message of MEIRA and the Hebrew word 'Meira' means 'Lighting' In my humble view; it is to do with devotion, the lighting of the devotion that is required to be successful in these last days of the end times.

As we know lighting is not just about lighting matches in heaven, or candles, its also about energy and how energy manifests itself. As we know the energy companies are already predicting a 20% increase in energy prices this Autumn, so what are you going to do about it? Governments are doing their utmost to tax energy to pay for their climate change proposals. When they are meant to be allowing us to have free energy. Can they eco-build houses that give us free energy? If not, why not? What and who are standing in the way? The corporations especially the American ones; and of course the Islamic moon that takes the wealth of the nations to pay for oil. No wonder the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet!

The date is 18, and 18 is soferim of 'Materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. Hence its connection to Rev 18 and North America. It comes in the 10th month and ten is the new cycle of time. Its a saros 117 and there we have the number 17 as well that also applies to Rev 17 and the USA. It indicates to me major happenings in North America around this timeline and they do like the theatre on Broadway, most famous for their musicals.

If you look back over other Saros 117 eclipses; you will see a connection with the kind of events that you can anticipate at this time. The last time there was an eclipse like this was in 1995, that was a good year for yours truly, and the year that followed. That was the time that I brought personal leadership and its professionalism to the fore. Launched a new company to help spiritual people to manifest what they were born to manifest. It was around that time when we started to introduce high standards in Reiki, and Reiki Master Teachers began to take on spiritual people that did not meet the criteria.

It was also a time of having a clear out in the spiritual community, and improving standards all round. It was time for ethical and organic growth, embracing and supporting the good, and throwing the rest away. Much like the Angels and the fish mentioned in the biblical prophecies.

Those that stood in integrity and honor at that time, were lighting the devoted, and they still are for all the right reasons. Devoted to their spiritual healing arts, a lighting of the local community. So this is a good time for attending MBS exhibitions, boosting the spiritual community, giving and helping the humanitarians, and people like Amnesty that defend human rights of the people. Its a good time for connecting, standing together, hand in hand, side by side. Being strong in your resolve against any adversity.

A good time to be in your local community, taking your light there and lighting the room up with your life, joy and devotion to who you are and your truth that helps to set others free. Its a Meira Lotus Feet time for me; the reflexologist looking at my feet and what is going on with them. Also re-connecting with people that I knew well in 1995, and new people that have come into the local spiritual community since that time. Re-connecting with friends, loved ones, and colleagues, moving forward together in the right direction. Meeting up with the miracle workers, and looking at what they have accomplished since 1995.

Have a great Lunar Eclipse!

Meira indeed.


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