
Saturday 14 September 2013

Boulder and Planetary News

Planetary news, a road has collapsed at Boulder Colorado due to flooding and the ITN report states that  there could be more evacuations due to a breech of the dam in the Rockies. [1]

In November 2010, I received some visions that included a large boulder and it was in the way of all of the small animals that were going in its direction.  The world turtle was going in the opposite direction. There are quite a few visions received at that time, and it includes a mountain, a man with his leg bandaged in plaster, monks dressed in brown, a laser beam and a cosmic broom. See the link for more information and description of what I saw at that time.  [2]

The monks dressed in brown remind me of St Francis and his followers, I can now see that three years after these visions were received, how it most probably relates to the current Pope and and its Church due to the name of Pope Francis.  The man with his leg bandaged in plaster had his foot upon the monks, so it can signify the end of the monks and Church of Rome due to what the military of the Church and its medical profession have done to the military with its medication.

On the 27th of April, 2011 the heavenly Father also spoke of the 'Rockies', [3] so no surprise that they're mentioned in the news item on Boulder, Colorado. It is definitely a timeline indication for those visions.

This painting came in this last night. I have called it 'Weather' and it does include some fire power.  I see the green being symbolic of the environment and the blue being symbolic of the water.


Yesterday, Ben Davidson from 'Suspicious Observers' reported that in three days, planet earth will be opposed by Mercury and Uranus. So you can anticipate a lot of communication coming against earthly realities. A lot happening in the skies, heavens and outer space that was also mentioned at the time of the visions received in 2010. Hence the laser and cosmic broom.

A time of storms and the video mentions the coming of the storming Gabriel. [4] An above average hurricane season is predicted. It looks like Syria is going to be the least of the earths problems in the days ahead.

As we know Gabriel is the name of the Archangel that works with the clairvoyants and watches over their development. In Hebrew his name means 'god is my strength', and its a good time to reconnect with the spiritual community and share notes with other clairvoyants and mediums due to what the empaths are experiencing. 

Its no coincidence that this 12th century icon of Archangel Gabriel is from Novogorod and there has been news of a 'psychiatric hospital' being burned to the ground in Novogorod in Russia. 

Some say that Gabriel blows the trumpet, well you can be sure that he will defend those that hear voices. Archangel Gabriel, and those with his name, will stand against the medical profession that hang onto their earthly realities that have no place in the world that is becoming. 

You know what the bible says about those that stand against celestial realities don't you? That includes the Church, for the old heaven and earth is passing away, the new reality that has a spiritual foundation that is scientifically proven will come to the fore; in this new spiritual age of Aquarius the humanitarian of supreme love. The water carrier that gives them the divine feminine water for their spiritual thirst. 

The water carrier that was destined to defend Israel, a land of the prophets, mystics, healers and scribes. 

May the will of the heavenly Father be done, for the LORD is his name. 

When I saw the news about Novogorod, I wrote and 'So it begins'. 







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