
Friday 13 September 2013

Meira Lighting Yom Kippur

I went to the kitchen to cook some food and the heavenly Father said 'Meera', it reminded me of Mother Meera. There was a Hindu mystical poet who renounced the comforts of wealth, and I did write a poem this evening, I was compelled to do so, although I do not feel compelled to write poems very often.

The name Meera can be found in both Hebrew and Sanscrit, it is written that she was a 16th century Indian princess who devoted her life to Krishna. In Hebrew it can be found with the spelling of 'Meira' and it means 'Lighting', 'Shining'. [1]

The heavenly Father is really referring to the devotion of the energy, and it is a particular vibration just like all names have a different vibration, it does not require any explanation, its really about a state of being.

However, it is the 13th of September and for the Jewish people it is Yom Kippur.

So I shall light some candles for 'Yom Kippur' for shalom and its wholeness, for Israel to be whole, for Syria and all of the nations to be whole. Like the roundness of a tea light. I have some lovely tea lights in the cupboard, and they are a deep apricot in color.

I have lit one candle on my left and one on my right. The light being on both sides is good.

So the LORD is not calling this night 'Yom Kippur', or the 'Day of Atonement', he is calling it 'Meira'. Lighting of devotion.

He is reminding me of the time that we spent together in mystical Safed at this time in 2007. It was at that time that I was given the next mission and destination. The weather was warm enough to sunbath, and I could see the Sea of Galilee from where I was staying.

In numerics the 13th of September is the 'Day of Passionate Care', it is also a reminder to take care of myself passionately, hence meira can relate to many different realities.

Its lovely to have the candles alight, either side of the computer as I am writing. As the evening draws in, and is moving into winter time here in the UK. Candles are such a beautiful reminder of the flame and the light that it gives. It always reminds me of giving healing and teaching healing, I shall take some of these candles with me to the next gong sound healing at the end of September.

In giving light we do receive more light. May you all be blessed this night with the light of love. In its gentleness like the flame of a candle. May you eat the food of divine love that feeds your soul and bodies, may you cherish yourselves as the heavenly Father cherishes us for being so devoted to him, and his will to good. May you truly feel the light this night, as I feel it all around me in resplendent peace.

May you hear clairaudiently what he wishes for you to hear, may you see clairvoyantly what he wishes for you see. May you receive what he would like you to receive.


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