
Friday 13 September 2013


Well it was the other day when the heavenly Father shouted out 'Elisheva' [1] The English translation of that is 'Elizabeth'. Elizabeth is in the news today; due to an address given at the conference of the Green party. The news report from the Evening Standard is really about the 'Cultural Genocide' that is taking place in the UK. I was first compelled to write about it in December 2007, and the article was published and distributed in January 2008.

The Evening Standard reporter shares with us the words spoken by Natalie Bennett, she is an ex-journalist, born in Australia. Leader of the Green Party. Her opening pledge to the people of this nation was to remove the food banks, and ensure that adequate financial assistance is available so that people can afford to purchase food and have a reasonable standard of living.

However, this post is to highlight the 'CULTURAL GENOCIDE' aspects mentioned in her speech.

She said the Tories are “handing over our NHS to American multinational health companies, going where even Margaret Thatcher wouldn’t go in  auctioning off the Queen’s Head in Royal Mail.” She added: “This is in a society...?where more than 13 million people live below the poverty line.”

Are British people aware that the Tories are auctioning the head of Elizabeth when they sell-off the Royal Mail and its British Post Office? The Royal Mail that has been part of the British culture for generations. The British Post Office that served the local communities, its hard to find a post office now within walking instance. Most of them require transport to reach them, and many of the poor, and elderly cannot afford transportation.

In addition, Natalie mentions what is happening to the NHS; and how it is being sold to the American corporations. [2] I have been warning people for years that the NHS is being privatized in the UK. 

Do people care? 

Did their dads do all that they could to ensure that the poor had adequate health care? Did their dads campaign for a living wage, paid holidays, rights for the workers in and out of work? Did their dads do their utmost to help the poor of the nation and its children? 

What is left of their legacy when we witness the 'cultural genocide' that is taking place in this nation? 

What are the Liberals and their so-called peace-making academics doing? From what I have seen they've put all of their attention onto the Syria situation. While the children in their nations suffer under their noses. As the prophecies predict there will only be 3 to 4 olives left on the olive tree by the time the LORD is finished with them.

At least Natalie is speaking up for this nation, even though she wasn't born here. 

On the morning of 9/11, in 2013, I had a dream. 

There were some different aspects to the dream, but all I could remember when I woke up was seeing what looked like a man's hand with a broken metal tool in it. The tool looked like something that a person would use in car mechanics or some kind of machinery.

Then early evening, I met up with a friend for a drink because it was her birthday. I cannot forget it due to it being 9/11. 

There were two people there, a man and a woman who are both involved in different companies with 'tools'.  The 'tool' in the dream was so 'broken' that it could not be mended, does it remind you of America? 

I did warn a friend years ago; that the rich and wealthy would 'perish', due to a lack of support for the righteous miracle-worker and the poor. They are reaping what they have sown, the universal law of cause and effect. 

The NHS is like that as well. However, the American corporations are not what the children and the people of our nations require. There is an American Metal Rock band from L.A. with the name 'Tool', and you only have to look at L.A. and its children to see that the American corporations do not have the solutions for what really ails humanity at a deep core level. [3] 

Are the nations ready to listen to righteousness? Are they ready to comprehend consciousness and its spiritual law in all of its realities? If not, why not? 




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