
Thursday 12 September 2013

New Born's Injected NHS

'The NHS says Vitamin K has several important functions, for example blood clotting, which helps wounds heal properly. Babies are born with lower levels of Vitamin K, and for this reason the NHS offers an injection of it soon after birth to prevent internal bleeding problems.

There is also increasing evidence fat-soluble Vitamin K is needed to help build strong bones.'

Its enough to make you weep, because most parents have no comprehension of what that is co-creating for the lives of those babies that experience the 'injection trauma.' Were babies born with less Vit K over 50 years ago? If they were; then they are meant to be born that way. 

Birth is traumatic enough for a baby, without adding more to it, by injecting it, unless it is absolutely necessary to save its life. Seriously, do the medical profession have any common sense at all? Do they realize what health conditions they are creating when they inject the new born's? 

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