
Thursday 19 September 2013

4 Directions Visions 2013

I was given some visions last night while bathing. 


The first vision was a large metal archers bow and it was firing what looked like a large comet like firework at the picture of Galileo in the West to my left. As we know Galileo is symbolic of the scientists that the Vatican stood against. Although it also feels like it is very positive for the artists and their artwork; because fireworks are also very colorful. So a great comet to springboard lots of creativity. 

Fireworks always remind me of the 5th of November and fireworks night. Fireworks night in the UK, is two days after the the total hybrid solar eclipse on the 3rd that is coming. I will write about that in October after the next lunar eclipse on the 18th. See the other post on this blog about that. 


Then there was another archers bow firing in a different direction, it was firing East on my right it was a different shape to the first bow, more traditional in shape and taller. That bow shot a white parachute to the East of me and it reminded me of the James Bond movies. 'The spy who loved me'.

In times gone by people in our local area made marquees out of parachutes that were no longer in use, and the marquees are used at hotels for weddings and charity balls, auctions and events.  Of course a parachute is also associated with the parachute regiment. Parachutes can deliver food, people, and can be involved in rescue operations.

I once went to a house in London where a man had put a parachute in his room, the whole room was enclosed in a parachute. It was like being in a large tent, reminiscent of the Middle East, and the Arabian nights, it had a very romantic feel to it, and he filled it with large colorful cushions. In the 70's, large cushions to sit on were the fashion of the day. Adam and I had eight large ones, four blue ones and four green ones in our first flat near the Surrey Downs. 


A little while afterwards, I saw in the North a large head of a white rabbit with long loppy ears, and a small angel was flying in front of it. It reminded me of Christmas and soft toys. I had a sense that I can continue to post in the social network until the end of the year. 


A friends son used to keep rabbits with loppy ears and he has been training to be a farmer. I showed him how to feel the energy of plants when he was a toddler. When he was older, he used to click his fingers like a lighter,  and he used to say 'Look auntie, I have the power in my hand', and now he is all grown up. I also showed him and his brother how to bless water.  It feels like this Christmas will be a time for great healing of the family, and daughters can be angels when they find their wings to fly.


Yesterday I posted that the heavenly Father had spoken of 'Southern Spain' how I heard the sound of the buzzer at the door. After that the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Looting', and it took place in Mexico after I had posted the information. See the post titled 'Souther Spain and the Buzzer'. 

A few years ago I was shown a vision of small creatures and rabbits were amongst them, they were doing their utmost to bring down the huge boulder, but they couldn't shift it due to the size and weight of it. The world turtle was going in the opposite direction to the rabbits and other small animals. The world turtle knows the way is clear in front of it. 


In the South there was a pair of red ruby tap shoes for dancing, and I used to tap dance when I was a child. The red ruby tap shoes also remind me of the spiritual journey of Dorothy, and Australia, the film 'Wizard of Oz'. We certainly danced in Australia with the 'mission of compassion for depressed and suicidal children.' 

The main article that was called 'Compassionate Hearts Can Really Change the World', certainly had a huge impact in all of the right places. It was published in an internationally read magazine and now we return to those aspects in the South, because vast improvements must be made in the NHS to help the children faster and more efficiently, if we are to help to save the lives of many children. 

The UK now has the highest rate of male suicide in Europe. As such, it shows us that the government and its agencies do not have the solutions for what is ailing humanity and its children.  The unions knew in the 70's that there would not be jobs for everyone. So how are the children meant to adjust to that; when the opportunities that we had as children are not there for them? 

What are you proposing that they do with their lives? How can you satisfy the children in a culture that successive governments have socially engineered? 

Yesterday, I read that over 50,000 British families are facing eviction due to the bedroom tax. One British woman with four of her partner's children were living in a 4 bed house, yet, they still have to pay £98 bedroom tax. Is it any wonder that people and their children are getting 'depressed and suicidal?' When a government treats the poor like it does? 

In legal terms the government is engaging in 'Procurement of Suicide' and they can be 'imprisoned' for what they are doing and so they should be.  While they give themselves a £10,000 annual pay rise, and Elizabeth an extra £5 million a year. 

Under UN law that was agreed to by the British government. The Rights of Housing state that if a person 'threatens eviction', they can be held personally responsible in a court of law. The other good tidings; the Independent newspaper have shared with us that last week there was a judges court ruling that decided that the smaller rooms must be exempt from the tax that the government decided to impose upon the poor of this country. So the Queen of the South is still defending you righteously, and faithfully. 

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