
Thursday 19 September 2013

Israeli Theatre Show Dream

Yesterday this painting came in and I was guided that it was for a young Dutch friend. So I have sent him a scan of the picture.


Then this morning I had a dream of some Israeli's that came to a theatre in my location.

I was so pleased to attend the theatre event and the theatre was full. Her act was in five parts and it included music and dance. It looked the man was doing the music and lights. During the evening I sat in different places to get different views due to being a packed audience. It was hard to find a seat after we all came back into the theatre to sit down after the break between scenes.  The theatre was wonderful.

After the Israeli actress, singer and dancer had finished the show. I was with both of the Israeli's and we shared about Israel in joy. It looked like the man was her partner, and manager. He gave me a large colorful card with their information. However, the contact did not have a contact number in England. So I offered them my phone number, so that they could have a contact number here. I also asked him to give me an email address.


They couple came with me on the bus to go home, then there was a different cameo and he was in a building. Men were laying what looked like large ancient stones that looked like they were reproductions. He started to tell the men off due to what they had done.

I was above the building at the time; and I could see through the roof light windows, him and the men.  I noticed that water from condensation was dripping from the woodwork so it must have been very hot in that building. I carried on going home. Then the dream ended.

The dream was telling me that Israeli's will come to my location, and be found in the arts of entertainment. However, in dream interpretation the appearance of an actor or actress can mean a person has to be more assertive in a more positive way. 

If you meet them, it can also be a warning not to repeat what your new friends shared with you. 

A building can be symbolic of life achievement, and the man in the dream was not happy about what the men were doing with the stones that were creating the floor. The building was beautiful and impressive. In the dream it wasn't clear whether he was cross due to where they were putting them, or how they had put them. However, the stones were huge in size they were creating something amazing. Whether the builders were creating a home for the Israeli's to live in, wasn't shown to me. Although they certainly liked it here in my location. 

In dream interpretation stones on the ground can signify slow but steady advancement. As such, you cannot lay them down all at once. To dream of a stonemason or seeing one at work; can predict a season of hard work followed by a small advance. The windows in a roof can indicate a rise in status and income. Dripping water also predicts opportunities for extraordinary pleasure activity in dream interpretation. 

The windows were in natural wood, like those that are put in roof conversions; and it was easy to see through the glass at what was going on below. It was so easy for me see everything, all I had to do was look.

The dream included a couple that worked as a team, and so it is also about teamwork, and how the guys support and work with the women. Each finding the importance of what they do to contribute to the whole. He provided the music to accompany her dance and movement. He managed the other realities enabling her to do what she did best. To sing, to dance, to entertain, to bring joy and uplift hearts with the song of Israel.

In the dream the Israeli's gave me their contact information, and I gave them mine. It was a connection of people and their hearts. Numbers were exchanged, and as we know numbers are to do with numerics. I offered them help as I do anyone that the LORD brings into my reality. I hope that you do the same to help the Israelis.

In the dream the team of men were being 'rebuked' by the person that was paying for their time. However, when the man was working with a woman, he was fine, it was a success!

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