
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Salvation, Pets and Children

To those that say 'there is no salvation'.  I have this response:

Salvation is a mystics word as such only mystics truly comprehend it because we've lived it. Salvation is the process and that is why it matters; the light of life depends upon it. Salvation that knowing brings, can apply to individuals on their spiritual journey, it can also apply to cultures and nations. Salvation of the spiritual aspects of your life can be paramount to your existence of health and well-being. For many healers redeeming the light within is a powerful ascension process and the prophecies predicted that the 'dead in Christ' would rise first. They certainly did, many were overjoyed when I first began to share the meaning of salvation. 

Ultimately, experience counts, life experience can be very powerful when you value what it is showing you; when you comprehend it on deep levels of consciousness and the reasons why. For thousands of years people have asked why? Were they looking in the right place? Were they looking at what ails them in a serious way? Or was it easier to just ignore what their bodies and souls were trying to express to them to help them? How many people listen to their bodies and comprehend it intuitively? 

I spent some time with our temple dog the other evening at a friends house, and he was pointing at my left knee with his head, he then began to wiggle his body. I spoke to the dog, and asked him 'Wiggle my knee?'. 

His mum said 'he just wants his dinner'. Anyway, off she went to get him some food and then when they returned he wouldn't eat it.

At this point I was standing up, started bending and wiggling my knees, in a circular motion (yes they were sore when I bent my knees and wiggled them).  After I had done what he was asking me to do; he began to eat his treat.

Do you understand the messages that the animals are giving you about your bodies? How many children that have withdrawn or become introverted had pets that were taken from them? Pets that they loved, I can remember as a child it happened in my life, my dog, my best friend, he had to leave because he kept on getting run over by a new one-way road system that had been installed. 

So our black standard poodle left London city, and moved closer to the countryside. I still remember the day that I waved bye-bye to him. However the 'introverted' Aquarian child existed prior to that. 

In my son's life we had a similar situation with our beloved Dusty, an old English sheepdog that we had found at a rescue home. 

We moved into a very large Victorian house that required extensive renovations; and while I was at work, and my son was at nursery, the builders left the door open and the dog got out. Dusty went walkabout like she did when we lived over the other side of a major road; then due to her leaving a different location, she could not find her way home. Her paws were bleeding when they found her; due to how far she had walked to try to find us. 

So I took her to my friends house where I knew that she would be safe with the other dogs until the building works were finished. 

Two months later, when the initial building works were finished, she was so happy living with the other dogs,  I couldn't take her away from there. So my son (who was a toddler, 36 months) and I used to go over to visit her a lot. As he grew older, sometimes he would stay for the weekend with her or for longer.  However, home wasn't the same without the love and joyful healing presence of the old English sheepdog. 

The love of pets can have a huge impact on children, it can bring out their loving and nurturing sides. Bring forth responsible actions, sensitivity, caring and compassionate ways. Children learn as much from the love that they receive from a dog, as they do from parents in their tender years. A child that has lived with a good loving pet, will always be tender hearted, affectionate and loving to those that are loving and affectionate to them. 

When a child has experienced such great unconditional love, it is hard for them to accept that which is not. Hence we can view the impact of the love of pets; and how that impacts on relationships when those children grow up. If a child has known real love as a child, from both parents and pets, they will seek tender love again. If a child has not experienced this great love, then how do they know what real love is? 

Shall the children without pets continue to learn about love from movies, music and social media? A media that informs us that research shows: 

‘NSPCC Girls think that they have to act like porn stars to be liked by boys’.

Due to the cost of breeding good dogs and the vet bills, they have now become very expensive to buy, maintain and take care of. However, how can a person put a price on real love, its love and healing potential is priceless. A love connection that lasts forever in your heart. A computer and toys cannot offer what a pet offers to a child in all of its loving realities. Hence, some schools have started to build gardens and have pets in them for children that do not have them at home. Connecting the children with the animal world, reuniting them with their connection with the goodness of nature. 

The power of love is scientifically proven, why are the schools not teaching it scientifically to the teenagers? 

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