
Monday 9 September 2013

Children Withdrawing

Sensitive souls, children and empaths are withdrawing from the world of 'materialism', they do not wish to live in the type of world that is currently on offer to them. They do not wish to live and work for the sake of it from cradle to grave. They do not wish to become educated; then there is no job at the end of it, only debt. They do not wish to be socially engineered by the corporations, governments and its agencies.

Children are naturally spiritual when they're allowed to be, they're naturally merciful, loving and giving.

Yet their spirituality, their natural creative talents are 'suppressed', 'repressed', and 'oppressed', by what has become a 'materialistic', 'consumeristic' world. Some no longer wish to be a part of it, and what the governments and education system offers. They are like Gandhi going on hunger strike.

However, in this case, they do not stop eating food like when a baby is forced to eat. Although at times the empaths can 'lose their appetites', if there is 'talk of war'.

It is a complete withdrawal from earthly realities, it is children saying NO! They can shut themselves away in their bedrooms, they can withdraw from friends, parents and other social activities. It can manifest in 'self-neglect', because they feel like there is nobody that really comprehends them, and where they are coming from.

When society is structured in such a way as to impact on children and people in such a way. It is time for nations and its academics to comprehend; that they do not have the solutions to what is ailing the children of the nations. Until the day comes when it impacts on their own being or child. Then they experience the initiation, when they experience it for themselves.

These children have been set-apart to give humanity a wake-up call. Ask yourselves why some of the Japanese children of Japan, an industrialized nation are living like 'tramps'? What was it that made them withdraw from what Japan has on offer? [1]

Did they comprehend on a soul level that 'Fukishima' was coming so they did not go outside?

Or is it much deeper and broader than that? What is happening to these children has vast implications for comprehending consciousness; and the initiations that are a part of its evolution and liberation.  Initiations; some that were understood by Carl Jung, alas not all of them.

Jesus comprehended the withdrawal as well, he comprehended being set-apart from others and the reasons for it. Remember he said that his world was not of this world. I am in the world but not from this world. What world was he speaking about? He was speaking about a heavenly spiritual world of peace -v- the world of materialism and its wars.

The true mystics were always set-apart, just like the mystics, scribes and prophets down the ages. Many artists and musicians down the ages were also set-apart from the rest of the crowd; that are intent on carrying on in the same old never-ending cycles due to their investment in their earthly lives.

Japan like other nations have strong spiritual roots, a beautiful spirituality and way of life that was removed from them with the arrival of the American rail roads. A spirituality that is rich and cultured, sophisticated in its methods of healing and defence of the physical body for well-being.  Japan, a people with a soul that is longing to be free, just like the children of other nations. Japan with a language of symbols that they retained and maintained. Symbolism that expresses the true nature of the soul of their nation, and its spiritual heritage.

If a person withdraws from what is on offer, then what can a doctor do? Nothing! If a person refuses pharmaceutical drugs that can impact adversely on consciousness, what can do they do? Nothing.

What can they do about people who are sophisticated enough to know that the consciousness of the spiritual is advanced beyond the existing medical reductionist scientific paradigm? What can they do when people simply withdraw, go on strike, and say no, I shall not live your way. You have nothing to offer me. If you stand up for yourself; they do not know what to do.

In the link from the BBC it tells you that the children are 'depressed', do the doctors know how the soul cries? How can they if they have not experienced it? How can they comprehend why the children 'crashed', if they have not been there themselves? Seriously, can you find what I share with you in text books? Most text books relating to different states of being; are based upon a science that does not exist in real terms. There is no university in the world that studies the soul and its Spirit.

Who offers a degree on the consciousness of the soul, and how to heal it in its multi-dimensional realities. Simply and effectively.

How many of those children are working through what happened to Japan in WW2 on a deep soul level. How many of those children are concerned about the possibility of another war, when they know full well the impact of it on children? How many of their souls lived through the war in Japan in a past life?

How can the medics bring joy to my heart, when they make my people jump through hoops on an obstacle course to please them? How can the medics and its authorities regain my respect when they think they know more than a person that shares with people how to heal their consciousness? How can man's councils regain my respect when they confine and lock up innocent children against their will, while the real 'criminal' politicians get off scot free?

How can governments earn the respect of the children, when they 'deny' them their freedom to be who they were born to be? Spiritual beings having a human experience.

How can you tell me that humanity is doing its best, when there are so many children suffering in poverty? How can you tell me that England is lucky because we do not live in Syria? What kind of conscience of integrity does your heart have?

Yes some children and people have and are withdrawing from the world, basically, they don't like what humanity is offering them on many different levels of existence. That is what the 'materialistic' world has led to, children and people withdrawing from it. When the prophets, mystics and scribes withdrew it was always a sign that war of destruction was coming. Are governments, medics, academics and policy advisors pleased with their co-creation? They had 100 years to get it right!

Now the Aquarian water carrier is here for the children, they shall not thirst spiritually, they shall not hunger for spiritual food, this is the Aquarian Age of the supreme love of the humanitarian. The key word of the age is 'Freedom'. When children withdraw; they are taking their power back from a world that wishes to take their power from them. If a child withdraws offer them the paints, let them express their souls creatively. Ask them what their dream is.

Children you are always in my heart.

The children will be given their freedom, or humanity will face the consequences for not doing so.



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