
Wednesday 11 September 2013


There has been so much written about Syria by so many, I took a look at the Jerusalem Post today. First  I read about the great archaeological find of the gold in Jerusalem. JP reports that 'A Hebrew University archeologist unveiled the “Ophel Treasure,” a collection of 36 gold coins and a large gold medallion believed to date back to 614 CE, at Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus campus Monday morning.

The gold artifacts were unearthed earlier this year approximately 50 meters from the Temple Mount’s southern wall, where Dr. Eilat Mazar has directed the Ophel excavation since 2009.

Hanging from a gold chain, the remarkably well kept and glittering 10-cm. medallion is engraved with a seven branched menorah, a shofar and a Torah. [1] 

Its no coincidence that the number found was 36. An important numeric in Hebrew gematria.

Then I read about the Israeli NGO that has been helping the Syrian refugees. 

Seventy tons of sanitation items, 670 tons of food, 120 tons of basic home items and 20 tons of medication are just a sample of the aid one Israeli NGO has delivered to Syrian refugees amid the current crisis. 

The mission of the nonprofit organization, which has been operating since the early 2000s, is to provide lifesaving aid to communities affected by natural disasters or human conflicts, exclusively in countries that lack diplomatic relations with Israel and places where the regime prevents the entry of conventional international humanitarian organizations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the group’s activity, which takes place under the radar in order to protect the lives of team members and local contacts, the organization will remain unnamed in this article. [2] 

Then just when I finished eye scanning a third article about the Golan Heights, the heavenly Father shouted at me, ELISHEVA. 

ELISHEVA is a girls name and it is written that it was the name of the wife of Aaron. Elisheva is made of two words 'ELI and SHEVA'. Eli can mean 'my god' and 'Sheva' means 'seven'. It is written that Elisheva was from the tribe of Judah, and the name Elizabeth is derived from it. 

The sister of Mary also had the name of Elisheva who they say was the mother of John the Baptist. Was the man known as John the Baptist, Elijah? To know that for yourself, you have to look at the prophecies about Elijah to see whether John the Baptist fulfilled them. In the prophecies about Elijah it is about the last days of the end times, not 2000 years ago. So who is telling the truth? Who is living in integrity? The word 'Sheva' can also mean 'Oath' 'My god oath'. Elisheva is referred to as a 'Matriach' and there is a tomb of the matriarchs in Tiberias. Tiberias is a beautiful place, I was once blessed to be invited to a Jewish wedding there on the Sea of Galilee. 

As we know it is nearly Jewish holidays, Yom Kippur 13-14 September, on the Chabad website they have featured this quote. 'The place of the person does not honor him; rather the person honors his place'. Talmud Taanit 21a. 

Makom indeed! 

Wednesday will be 7 Tishrei 5774, it will also be 9/11 anniversary for the USA and a dear friends birthday. I can never forget her birthday due to what happened on 9/11. In the USA they are planning a million person march of Muslims onto Washington DC, at the same time one million American bikers plan to head there as well. What can I say? Shalom! Have tenderness and mercy in your hearts always, as gentle as an old English sheepdog with children,  at this sensitive time in the sober decade.

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