
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Iran's QOM Message

Yesterday we had the message from the heavenly Father when he shouted 'ELISHEVA' the female name of a matriarch. [1] In that post I included a quote from the Chabad website: 'The place of the person does not honor him; rather the person honors his place'. Talmud Taanit 21a. 

Makom indeed! 

The other day when everyone was writing about Syria, I wrote 'Keep an eye on Iran'. As we know today is the anniversary of 9/11. I was up in the night restless then went back to bed to sleep at dawn. I have felt uneasy about today in recent days. When I woke up I looked at the news and there has been a bus collision near QOM in Iran and 44 people have died. Surely, it is a message from the LORD to the people of Iran and its government. 


Iran: At least 44 killed in bus collision near Qom

Footage shows the aftermath of the crash and fire which left at least 44 people dead

At least 44 people died when two buses collided near the Iranian city of Qom, say local news reports.

The accident happened late on Monday when a tyre on one of the buses burst and it swerved into oncoming traffic, hitting the other bus head-on.

Dozens of passengers said to have been injured in the accident were taken to hospitals in Qom.

QOM is my name in Arabic, that name that is on my birth certificate, and in Hebrew it is QUM in English is it is translated as KIM.

In Hebrew it means ‘Arise’ it can also mean ‘Raise’.

Moses delivered a message about the name of a person that would come and be like him.

QOM is said to be the holiest city in Iran, QUMRAN in Israel is also where they found the Dead Seas Scrolls. A place where the mystics, healers and scribes went when they saw that the writing was on the wall. So what is the significance of the numeric of 44? 

Isaiah 44 speaks of Israel the chosen. The verse of the day at biblegateway is Psalm 121. 'I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 121:1-2 

May the people that have passed over in Iran this day rest in peace.

May Iran and its people know that the one that was promised to Moses is here; and yes she does have the skin disease on her right arm like Moses. 

44 is also the gematria numeric of the word 'CHILD', and Iran must honor the everlasting covenant for the children, and give them their spiritual independence and freedom to be. Or face the consequences for not doing so. Iran must lay down its 'weapons' for daughter ZION is here. Micah 4. 


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