
Thursday 12 September 2013

Princess Diana and the Prophet

Nostradamus provided a few prophecies and in one of those prophecies he mentioned Diana specifically. In this post I would like to concentrate on the revelation of Diana and how it relates to current global events. 

Quatrain C2:Q28 
               The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet will take Diana for his day and rest:
He will wander far because of a frantic head, and delivering a great people from subjection.

Nostradamus was giving a timeline with the name of Diana and a location. Diana means 'divine' 'heavenly', and as we know it is the name of the feminine. As such, the day and rest is with the feminine and it is divine and heavenly. The day and rest with the feminine is also to do with the timeline. 

The day that the prophet rested and wandered far. In what is written as one of the earliest Christian texts, the Didache. Jesus speaks of the wandering prophets and apostles. Shakespeare also wrote about Diana. In 'Much Ado About Nothing', Hero says 'Dian in her orb'. As we know an orb is an orb of light, it is also an orb of majesty. 

In Romeo and Juliet, Romero describes Rosaline as 'She hath Dian's wit'. No coincidence then that Diana died with her lover Dodi. Wikipedia share with us that in Jean Cocteau's 1946 film 'La Belle et la Bete, it is 'Diana's power which has transformed and imprisoned the beast'. In 1997, at the funeral of the blessed compassionate Diana, her brother described her as the 'the most hunted person of the modern age'. [1] 


Biblically some translations put the word 'Artemis' instead of Diana, they were the equivalent in mythology. Being a Christian, the French Nostradamus comprehended the scriptures and prophecies. In the Acts of the Apostles it is written that when Paul went to the Ephesians the men that loved her 'rioted in her defense', and they shouted 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians'. The city secretary is said to have 'quieted the crowd', and said, "Men of Ephesus, what person is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is the keeper (guardian) of the temple of the great Diana and of her image that fell from heaven?". 

Acts 19:36-37 also cite these words; 'Therefore, since these facts are undeniable, you ought to calm down and not do anything rash. You have brought these men here, though they have neither robbed temples or blasphemed our goddess'. 

In the Nostradamus quatrain numeric we also find the numeric of 22, and that is a Master number of the divine feminine. Angels, charity and leadership. In the prophecy it mentions the 'delivery of a great people from 'subjection', and the biblical prophecies also mention the 'deliverers'. What do people become subjects of? Monarchies co-created by men to serve them. 

Remember what happened to Charles I when excessive taxes were imposed upon the people? He was executed due to his 'tyranny' against the people. Was Charles I really responsible or those that instructed him to do what he did? As we know winners write history! It takes a man with balls to stand up and so no, even when his own job or life is on the line. 

If we look at current events; those with a true of heart of conscience would rather resign, then do any harm to a single soul or sentient being. Remember what happened to Ron Paul in 2012, and why he stopped campaigning on the campaign trail? Those close to him and his campaign declared that his life had been 'threatened', and those of his family. 

As we know our Queen of Hearts, a lady of mercy and compassionate action who helped and defended the poor, compelling those that loved her to come from the heart in good-will, was like a thorn of a rose in the heart of the men. Inside and outside of the palace.  The light of love that simply could not be blown out, no matter how much she was hunted down by men. Even after death, her love, light, compassion, beautiful heart filled with pure intention, still burns brightly in the hearts of the nation/s. 

We shall never ever forget what they did to her. However, with the recent revelation about the conspiracy against Prince Charles; and his good deeds as well. We begin to get a much bigger picture of how weak the British monarchy has become; due to those that have stood against the ascension of our people and nations. 

I did note that Elizabeth did not weep in public at the funeral of Princess Diana, how she did not return from Balmoral, and had to be ordered by the Prime Minister at the time to return to London. I did note that she cried when she had to wave bye-bye to her boat instead. However, if Elizabeth knew that the mother of a possible future King of England had been murdered by those that stood against her son, as a warning to them, how would you respond? 

How would you respond at a state funeral in front of the eyes of the world; knowing full well that an innocent woman, a member of your family, had been murdered as a warning to you and the rest of your family?

Did Elizabeth have the strongest will to show the world her immense displeasure, had her heart been hardened by what had taken place? A direct hit on the British monarchy, and any of her children that she birthed could be next? How would you feel if you also knew about the conspiracy against your own son? Do you remember the Catholic conspiracy against Elizabeth I? What makes you think that anything has changed since that time in British history? Did it remind Elizabeth of the Babington Plot?

Interesting that Elizabeth I took divine guidance from a seer, and so did Princess Diana. Neither is it a coincidence after the passing of Diana, Princess Diana was in contact with yours truly. In fact, I wrote to Prince Charles with a message from her while I was in Australia in 1999. I was there for a year and yes, for me it was a day of rest. A year of recuperation after a life of subjection to high taxes. A time of rest and a time to write the first manuscript. 

So what was the 'frantic head' to do with? Was it due to being a business woman and now it was time for rest? A time to wander freely, to write, to heal, to be in rest for a year? Is it a coincidence that on my return to the UK from Australia, people began to trigger if I mentioned my divine experiences with Diana? They knew that I was a professional clairvoyant with clients in many countries, so why did they trigger when I returned with a mission of compassion to help depressed and suicidal children? What did they know that they had not shared with me at that point? Did they know about this Nostradamus prophecy and its important timeline? 

Did they know that it was a clear sign that Rev 12 was about to begin, and the work with Archangel Michael? The power of the prophecy of Nostradamus that outlined the fact that there would come a time when the people would be delivered and that they would not be 'subjected', anymore. 

It can reveal that when the sign of the prophet and Diana came, it would bring to a close the British monarchy and its subjection, it can also indicate that it will also bring to a close the high taxes, the imposed taxes, including the bedroom tax that will be abolished. For there shall be no taxes imposed upon the poor, forevermore. The people will be liberated once and for all. 

Ask yourselves if Diana had become Queen of this nation, would she have taxed the poor? Of course not, that is another reason that they murdered her. If the poor are liberated financially, they do not have to go to food banks provided by the Christian orthodox. As such, then the Christian orthodox have no power over the poor, elderly and widows. Nor will they have anyone to fund their churches that should never have been built on this land in the first place.  The rich and wealthy will have to pay proper taxes on their revenues and assets or pay the consequences for not doing so. 

Some authors wrote that Osho was the prophet mentioned in the prophecy of Nostradamus. I once met a follower of Osho and he did go wandering to other countries as well. However, he didn't fulfill the biblical prophecies, the name, or give predictions. 

The last I heard from the follower of Osho, he was living on a Greek Island. In Acts 19, John arrived before Paul to speak to the followers of Diana. No surprise then that the Vatican had Pope John Paul II, and there was news about him on 9/11. [2] 

Mumbai: Mount Mary gets relic with blood of Pope John II. 

Seriously folks, did they ever read their bibles and what it says about bloodshed? So was it a Catholic that murdered Princess Diana and are responsible for 9/11? Its no coincidence that the Vatican historically has been involved with Islam, against the Jewish people. Nor is it a coincidence that the Vatican have stood against the British monarchy during its history, or that there is a figure of the Islamic Fatima in a Catholic Church in Chicago. Nor is it a coincidence that Princess Diana and Prince Charles embraced the spiritual and its healing modalities. That which has divided the Vatican and its Catholics from the healers of humanity throughout its history still exists. Remember what they did to the Cathars and 12 million Europeans, they murdered them as well. So the Catholics certainly do have a motive for the murder of Princess Diana. 

No surprise then that it also happened in France, historically, a Catholic country. 


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