
Saturday 21 September 2013

It Began - HaShem

Last night while bathing I asked the heavenly Father to help me with the healing process and he said 'It began when she was young'. After that I sent out some information about the process that mashiach goes through at every phase of their life that is explained in the ancient texts. [2]

How at times they wonder  how much more they can endure; and that can apply to anyone in the true mashiach energy.

Prophet Isaiah predicted that only one in a thousand would be able to stand before the flame of Joseph in integrity. He predicted that many would flee from it. However, she knows how to dance in the fire of Jacob, and do it with style, flair and class. The Son of God and Archangel Michael were great divine teachers to the wondrous woman from heaven. They gave her all the help that they could to prepare her for the different timelines. To assist her with the integration of each phase of the spiritual journey.

It was the Spanish mystics with the sacred union with the divine that brought about the reformation of the Church. The Jewish mystics also had an impact on the Christian mystics as well, there were many of them in Spain. 

The unity between true mystics always exists because they live in their hearts and they know how to dance the sacred union with the divine. 

As the heavenly Father said 'TAP ON WOOD'. Tap dancing flamenco style is wonderful to experience. When you know your steps, your body flows in harmony with the music and its sounds. 

This morning when I woke up the heavenly Father showed me what we had been doing in recent days and he was pleased. He said 'HaShem'. 

It is written that HaShem means 'the name', and that it is said by the High Priest on Yom Kippur. However, as we know the heavenly Father also spoke of the 'Meira' the lighting of devotion that took place in mystical Safed, Israel in September 2007. 

'Wherever I allow my name to be mentioned, I will come to you and bless you'. [1] 

It is written that 'HaShem', is an attribute of mercy, hesed, although the Hebrew word 'Hesed' means more than mercy, it includes charity and loving kindness. True mercy is charitable, being charitable is loving kindness and being merciful. 


In Joel 2:32, And everyone who calls on the name of HaShem will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as HaShem has said, among the survivors whom HaShem calls. 

The verse of Joel 2 was sent out to the people on our lists for distribution in respect of the eclipse in 2006, that was prior to the first mission to Israel to call the holy gathering. 

We now have two more eclipses coming, the lunar eclipse on the 18th of October, and the total solar eclipse on November 3. 

I pondered upon what began when she was young, both good and otherwise. I remember the little girl feeding the birds with her dad, marching through London city to ban the bomb, shouting out and defending the poor while on her dad's shoulders. Her roots of the humanitarian and where she came from as a person, always remained important to her. From a poor family, where the Son of Joseph was born to give life to the flame, that was destined to come for 'HaShem' and for divine will to be done. 

Her first experience of 'violence' she also experienced as a child, yet, she did not turn towards it. She would look out of the bedroom window at the trees for hours. The child loved nature, life in nature that her dad provided for her so that she could know it, and live it deeply in her heart. The child carried on loving the trees and the natural with all of her heart, the flame of love that was born to be divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. 

Buildings can burn to the ground like the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia in 2008, when daughter Zion arrived on American soil. 

However, if the light and power of mashiach is allowed to blossom naturally in a person, it will always overcome, thrive and be passed on to future generations. The light of the strength of divine will to live,  that helps children and people to endure whatever happens in their lives. Only in strength can we endure and overcome some of life circumstances, strength of character combined with the power of divine love is essential.  

With the blessing of 'Hashem', there is always deliverance and salvation of his blessed mystics, and healers, and those that they are sent to help. 

As he said 'HaShem' a blessing indeed. 

After that was written, 'HaShem', said 'Your life is a parable', and as we know parables are given to those that can comprehend them. 


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