
Saturday 21 September 2013

Flamenco Sea Rice

Well now that my appetite is back, its back to cooking. I like to keep some tins in the cupboard for emergencies and for cooking something interesting. At Iceland they had some Viva Espana Mussels in Escabeche Sauce and Calamari in tomato sauce for a £1 each. Of course, you could use fresh if you were cooking this dish for friends or a dinner party. Not everyone eats fish or seafood so it is best to check with guests in advance. 

My Flamenco dish is a bit like a paella. The ingredients include the following: 

Cup of Rice
Small tin of Mussels
Small tin of Calamari 
Tsp of Basil
Tsp of turmeric  
2 large Garlic segments 
20 Capers (good for teeth)
1/3 to half an aubergine depending on size. 
2 fresh tomatoes
Half of a medium-large onion
Sprinkle of hot chilli powder (or any other red pepper) 
Palm Oil 

Boil your rice in the turmeric. While that is cooking saute the aubergine, onion, garlic, capers, tomatoes, basil and chill powder in palm oil. Make sure that you have enough palm oil in the pan so that the veggies do not stick to the pan. When the veggies are nearly cooked add the ingredients of the Viva Espana Calamari and Mussels including the sauces. Simmer and stir gently until the sea food is hot. 

Then you have a choice, you could drain the cooked rice and make the dish more dry, I added the rice with what was left of the turmeric water for added taste and nutrients. The water just covered the rice in the pan by the time it was cooked. What one could call a wet dish and it was delicious. Oh yes add your veggies and sea food to the rice and mix it all up together. There you go, an interesting tasty dish, cooked in no time at all. 

It was eaten with a flat bread tortilla to dip in the sauce. This dish has to be eaten fresh within 24 hours of cooking. Its a good one for children, the elderly, women in menopause due to eating little and often. 

As a starter the ingredients are enough for four, as a main course it is enough for two. 

This morning the heavenly Father showed me what we have been doing in recent days 
and he was pleased. 

He said 'HaShem'. 

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