
Friday 20 September 2013

Arm Injection Trauma Event

News last night 260,000 people have been evacuated in Japan. The Japanese were advised to evacuate straight after the tsunami. The 'Tsunami of Pain', was also predicted months prior, information is provided on our previous blog. Here is the latest planetary news update. News today from Suspicious Observers is that there is a lot more coming for Japan as such, my heart is with Japan right now. 

I also noticed that tweets on the Japanese news website were saying that the Japanese were considering shooting down drones that were in their airspace. The tweets didn't say what nationality they were.


When this empath woke up this morning, it felt like I had been injected in the upper part of my left arm energetically.  Then when I looked at the news America reports that there has been a shooting of 13 plus a child aged 3 at a Basketball pitch in South Chicago. There are no pics of the people for the truth movement to examine to see whether this is yet another US government arranged event.

All that ABC news talks about in the news bulletin is 'gun laws'. Nothing about the event itself. So you could say that the US government are injecting the left arm of the American people to enforce the 'gun laws', and we all know how people feel if they're forced to do something against their will. Especially when the people pay their wages to represent and defend the people and their US constitution. 

Injections are also to do with vaccines and those that know, know about those and what they do to the body. Its not just about what they put in the vaccines, its the injections themselves as well. The physical body and its consciousness does not like the 'feel of pain' due to the memory it co-creates.

Hence, why the consciousness of the soul leaves the body when people go into hospital for an operation etc.  That is the reason that some people are aware that they've had out of body experiences. Experiences whereby they are above the body looking down upon it, while the surgeons work on the physical flesh.

We discovered that sometimes the whole of the energy does not return to the body due to the 'trauma' it has experienced, as such shamanic soul retrieval work is required in such circumstances. I once carried out a soul retrieval session with a police officer in Australia, he was experiencing 'panic attacks' and had tried lots of different therapies to heal what had taken place in a car accident while on duty. 

There is much for the medics to comprehend about consciousness and what can happen to it. However, it is best that they work with the energy therapists that know about consciousness. Leaving them to do what they do best to assist the people with their well-being. The sooner that the medics accept that, the better for the health of the nations. 

Remember this that only the hand of Joseph can deliver the seed of Esau.

As the heavenly Father said 'Shalom'. 

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