
Sunday 22 September 2013


After the previous post 'It began - HaShem'. I went to the kitchen to cook and the heavenly Father said 'ASEN'. This link refers to 'Asen' as meaning the 'godmen' or more properly 'The People of God'. Judges 20:2 and 2 Samuel 14:13 are cited. It mentions how the name 'Iberic' means a descendent of the Hebrew patriarch. W.H. Bennett wrote a book titled 'The Story of Celto-Saxon Israel'. [1] 

The scientists also discovered that King Tut has Western Iberian DNA, that means his father did as well. 

However, the Hebrew word 'ASEN' is most likely from 'Asenath', the woman who was given to be a wife for Joseph. Scholars say her name derives from the Egyptian 'she who belongs to (the goddess) Neith'. Or 'Belonging to the goddess'. It is written that she had turned down various worthy suitors but Joseph would not accept a pagan wife. So she locked herself in a tower rejecting everything in favor of Joseph's God Yahweh. 

She then received a visit from an angel. Then came the honeycomb. She forgave the 'conspirators that conspired' against her in the same way that Joseph did.  That reminds me of the Nostradamus prophecy about how she would return to take on the conspirators again. She was given a new name 'City of Refuge'. [2] 

We also find the name 'Hasenuah' mentioned in the book of Chronicles. [4] 1 Chronicles 1:7. It indicates a person that returned from Babylon. So for instance when daughter Zion was sent to the USA, and then returned from it in Micah 4. That took place at the end of April 2008. 

Interesting the name 'Asen' comes up in Bulgaria and it was the name of an Emperor. [3] The name "ASEN" also turns up in the USA, with this singer 'Emily Asen'.

The word 'Asen' in relationship to Iberia reminds me of the word 'Hacienda', the estate, mostly attributed to Spanish colonial times of the Catholic Church. [6] Of course, they still exist throughout Latin America.

I can now smell perfume and that reminds me of Mum, and the beautiful perfume shops in Spain. Lily spent a lot of time in Spain during her life. The wife of the Son of Joseph, both brilliant dancers.

There is also an 'Asen Dynasty', and the name is found in Romania. It is an Aramaic surname. However 'Asen' in Aramaic also means 'healers'. 'The two most probable etymologies offered to date are from the Aramaic 'asen,' asayya, "healers," and from the East Aramaic hasen, hasayya, "the pious." The first etymology would suggest a link between the Essenes and the Therapeutae (Gr. "healers"), a similar Jewish group flourishing contemporaneously in Egypt.' 

So there is the link between the word 'Asen' and the 'smell of perfume' due to the oils being used in aromatherapy. This tells us that Joseph's wife was an aromatherapist which makes sense because Joseph was also a healer with the coat of many colors. Hence why she was given the name 'City of Refuge', because people find refuge with the healers and complimentary medicine therapists. 

So when HaShem says 'Asen', it refers to the pious healer. Its referring to a state of being.

Hence, it is not just about the taste of the food, it is about the smelling of it as well. In Egypt they used spices in the healing process, smell that can also be utilized in the healing process. When we give aromatherapy to animals we give them the smell of the oils. 








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