
Sunday 11 August 2013

Purified and Refined

The book of Daniel mentions Michael and how the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever. Dan 12:13. Why were they led to righteousness? Do you know? Daniel tells you when he says 'Many will be purified, made spotless and refined'. 12:10.

As we know chapter 12 of the book of Daniel is about the last days of the end times and Prophet Malachi also spoke about what would happen in the timeline of the purification and refinement. To those that were led to righteousness what do they attain? They are clothed with the imperishable, immortality, and 'death is swallowed up in victory'. 1 Corinthians 15:54-56

It enables a person to swallow what is inside another person during the healing process to transmute it. However, you have to be a purified being to be able to transmute and transform the energies of others. As we know Melchizedek was known as the King of Righteousness, and scripture tells us that Jesus was from his order.

'For the LORD is righteous he loves righteousness; the upright will behold his face'. Psalm 11:7

Such a blessing it was too!

One of the words translated from Hebrew as 'righteousness', the lexicon gives a meaning of 'goodness' 'kindness' faithfulness'. Hebrew Strongs 2617. Sometimes the Hebrew word is spelt as HESED and it is about mercy, charity and compassion. The scripture informed the people that the LORD asked for mercy, not sacrifice. This is a beautiful painting called 'Charity'

No surprise then that King David predicted that the "Harp of Faithfulness", would come at night time. The Dead Sea Scrolls also spoke of the 'Teacher of Righteousness', and the coming of the coat of many colors e.g. Joseph. Was that the Joseph that the Mormons speak of? No! However the Mormon Joseph clearly comprehended the prophecy about the 'flame of Joseph' that was predicted in the bible.

As the LORD said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

The Russian scientists have been doing some wonderful scientific work. Its wonderful that the scientists can photograph the energetic fields. My hand was photographed like this in the 90's, I still have the pictures. I also have aura photographs and it was fascinating to see how my energy had changed, the more healing and self-development work that I did with myself and others.

We shall do the will of God and fasten what is above. For what we know to be true is cutting edge. What we have seen with our own eyes wide open is beyond measure, the heavenly have peace and plenty of divine experience to share with humanity, when humanity are ready to hear it. 

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