
Sunday 11 August 2013

Cows and Marple

You may remember there was an event with 'sheep' earlier in the year, well this time it involves the 'cows'. People living on a housing estate near Marple, Greater Manchester were woken up by a herd of 40 cows on their doorstep. The BBC report that the cows escaped from Bongs Farm sometime before 04.30 and they congregated at Eastover Road, Romiley. A local resident 'James Small' said, that neighbours were woken by 'mooing' as dawn approached. "It was the funniest wake-up call ever". [1]

Interesting message, as most Brits associate Miss Marple with the author Agatha Christie and her books. The little old lady that is the village detective and solves the 'crime', some might also remember the board game that we used to play when we were children. A dear friend really likes Agatha Christie type books, and she is more than capable of writing a wonderful book. I was talking to another friend the other day about the possibility of a friend of hers writing a book based upon a true story. A story about "Fleet Street", and what really happened during the Thatcher era.

For a writer to write a book that can be a success, they have to be truly inspired. James Herbert was one of those people, inspired to write, compelled to write.

A lady that was known as Miss Marple where she lived, used to sit on the train station watching the trains go by. I do comprehend the message, and I hope that you do as well.

The other aspect is the numeric of 40, and as we know that is to do with Moses and the prophecy of Nostradamus about the Iris that would appear. 'Eastover', the East is to do with teaching, as such, the teaching is over. Its time to get on with the next phase of the divine plan, dawn approaches. A lady called 'Dawn', once gave me a message, and it will be interesting to see if the time is now right for that message to be fulfilled.

When I woke up this morning, the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Illuminati', then when I looked at the news, a young R&B artist, Chris Brown had to be seen to by the doctor. From what I read a lot has been going on legally in his life; and he is even talking about quitting music. As I explained to the Americans, I cannot condone what he did at the age of 18. [2]

However, are they aware that the brain of a child is not fully developed until the age of 24? Is it appropriate for a youngster of 15 to get involved in the music, film and TV industry? Are they spiritually and emotionally mature enough? We all know what that industry is capable of, especially in the USA. Just look at what happened to people like Judy Garland and Whitney Houston. I still remember the words that she spoke after she passed over, 'They rape you, and rape you, until there is nothing left of you'.

Healers of consciousness certainly view the world in a different way to many other people. The fact that people can be healed when they put in the serious effort. Where there is healing of consciousness, there is mercy. Compassionate action, faithfulness and the divine love that compels it. 

In response to those people that have been standing against young Chris Brown, wisdom has this to share. 

'A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice'. Isaiah 42:3. As we know King David also spoke about the 'Harp of Faithfulness'. 

'Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water?' Job 8:11 

'The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.' Isaiah 35:7 

The heavenly Father said 'You have a mandate'. 



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