
Saturday 10 August 2013


On my walk today, I noticed that there was a family of three small birds on my right, and a pigeon in front on the left of me on the electrical wires. As I was walking closer another pigeon came, and as it was flying to join the small family. The bird on my left flew to my right and joined the others. So then there were five birds. Five is the number of physical manifestation and in my life cycle I am in a five year. A lot is going on to do with the 'family', in politics and in planetary astrological configurations that is impacting on many people.

The keynote of the pigeon is 'Return to the Love and Security of Home', and its cycle is one year. In addition, in spiritual symbology two of these birds is conjugal affection and love. In Greek philosophy it can indicate the marriage of heaven and earth. After that I saw a hedgehog, and it looked like a bus had gone over it. That then links into the message about fastening what is above and giving no support to that which is below.  I then popped in to see a spiritual friend on the way home to catch up with news.

After that I was shown one of the latest crop circles at Chute and it is a crop circle with key holes in it. That made me smile because I am a descendent of the Jewish people that were called Chuts and they came from Holland. Their arrival in the UK is documented and they even have a wiki page. The flame of Joseph.

There are six keyholes in the crop circle, and a circle that links them altogether. In addition there are 12 outer points. So there are six doors and it could indicate that there are six Chuts that have connected with previous postings about it. It could indicate a family connection between these six people. It will be interesting to watch events unfold, for surely, the LORD is making this known for a reason. 2013 is a six year for the planet. However, my life cycle will be in a six year in 2014, and that fits perfectly with the Chinese Year of the Horse.

The crop circle was discovered on the 10th August, and that is the 'Day of Voice'. 

Earlier today, I came across this lovely video from the children in China, Forever Sapphire the ELF song, and it really touched my heart. They sing about the rainbow with 13 colors. Its beautiful. As we know the rainbow is to do with Joseph, the covenant with God. 13 is also the date of my physical birth in February. The LORD has done mighty things.

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