
Saturday 3 August 2013

June/July Crop Circles 2013

Feels like time to take a look at what is going on with the crop circles this year. So I've picked out a few of the best from June and July to see if there is a uniting theme coming through them.

This one was reported on the 21st June, 2013. Stanton St Bernard, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK. It looks like a compass with the four directions with a sceptre that is static.



This crop circle was found on the 25th of June at Silbury Hill, an area well known to those interested in crop circles. This one has a very feminine feeling to it, if you look at it from afar.

The more that I linked into it, the more that I could see the two cups, and that can relate to the two of cups card that is the card of the 'Lovers'. No surprise then that a lot has been going on in Western countries to do with 'gay marriage'.

A lot as been said about it by the Church and state. It also coincided with the Pope's visit to Brazil. More news about 'gay lovers' at the Vatican and in the Churches. There is bound to be more in the news about during the Saturn in Scorpio transit. It really is the timeline for it due to Saturn being the teacher. So this crop circle although nice, is no surprise. Many are going through some issues in relationships as well around 'sexuality', 'affairs' etc.



There have been some great crop circles in July, so I will just pick a couple that I felt most drawn towards. The first one was reported on the 3rd July, and it was found at Rheinau, Nr Zurich Switzerland. Again, it has strong feminine energies, it looks a Queen of the Angels, I see a crown, wings, and I also see kidneys.

Kidneys are to do with the shen of life that can be impacted upon by  'grief'. As we know there was a train crash in Switzerland after this crop circle. I see flight in the kidneys, like kites, or small aircraft. She certainly has the male energy under her feet, and as we know there has been a lot going on with planes/jets in the last month.

I see three pillars in the crop circle; and there are three main aspects to the crop circle itself. As we know, three also relates to the Trinity and the Vatican. This could mean that there could be three major events in Switzerland prior to the arising of their Queen.

Queen of the Angels 


This crop was found on the 7th of July, 2013 and it immediately reminded me of 'Suspicious Observers'. The crop was in Avebury, and the farmers were not very friendly. SO know what that feels like. I see the timing of a new moon, the sun, the water, the rocket that is a symbol of NASA, I see Egypt, the steps and Prophet Isaiah said that was a sign. I also see the lace work that Ben spoke about.  There is a sharp edge to SO, a cutting edge due to the different aspects and energies that are being brought together. I can also see a large boat with a pool on it, and it could indicate a conference being held on a boat. A winter cruise? Maybe!

I am feeling a really powerful eclipse coming with this crop circle as well.



Just a few insights, love to all and thank you to the Brits at Crop Circle Connector and all the people around the world that look out for crop circles. Blessings in abundance to you all.

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