
Saturday 3 August 2013


This painting came in during the early hours of the morning. As I was posting the heavenly Father said 'Elan'. Prior to me posting the painting an appointment came up on my screen for 8.30am in Egypt, gateway opening. I do see a man and woman in the painting, I can see his face, and eyes, nose and beard. I can only see one eye of the woman. 

The word 'Elan' can mean 'zeal' or 'ardor'. So what is going on with Elan? There has been another 'hostile' takeover by an American corporation, this time it is the Elan Pharmaceutical Corporation in Dublin, Ireland. [1]  One of the advantages to Perrigo is that the Irish pay lower corporation tax than they do in the USA, and that will enable the US corporation to move its assets around. Basically, that usually means that it enables them to pay less tax in their country of origin. More and more American corporations are buying up UK based corporations, and that means less money going into the US economy, simply put that is how it works. 

Well what does that have to do with Egypt? Well all the corporations like to export for obvious reasons. However, as we know Egypt is in precarious situation with its transition to a true democracy, and it must make sure that it does not allow the USA or any other nation to influence them in their decisions. 

The name Elan can be found in Hebrew and it can mean 'Oak Tree' and the Oak Tree is do with Abraham, I do have an Egyptian friend called Abraham in Egypt and other family members. The name also has an African origin a female's name and it can mean 'God loves me'. 


We are fully aware of the bloodshed that has taken place in Egypt recently and now the Brits are calling all Brits home from Yemen immediately, so for sure the British government is planning to intervene in the Middle East. Its going to be a long, hot and bloody summer. So it is best to stay chilled out, rest, stay positive as possible, stay in your centre, in your hearts, in your peace. Sadly, freedom always seems to have a cost of lives, and most people do not wish to pay the cost of it. Progress could be so simple and easy, if people didn't keep trying to get in the way of it. 

So say a prayer for Egypt if you are inclined, if not just send your love to the region at this time. 

My heart goes out to them all at this historical time for their nations in the Middle East. 

So let that be our motto now 'God loves me'. 



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