
Sunday 4 August 2013

Calling Sons of Elohiym

Calling Sons of Elohiym.

If you wish to help your nation USA, then you have to help the Christians in your nation to make a breakthrough. Why? The Christians of your nation uphold the existing structures that keep the never ending cycles in place. As such, the orthodox Christians are blocking the progress of the health of your nation.

The heavenly Father said 'PUT YOUR BOOTS ON'.

This video from Jeff Benner was selected for my viewing. The important part is at the end of the video when it tells you that the original translation was not Sons of Israel but Sons of Elohiym and Elohiym can mean Angels. It is sometimes translated as Sons of God. However, the correct translation would be 'Sons of god'.

There are two ways to walk, the way of man that co-creates 'self-destruction', or the way of elohiym. Remember Jesus predicted that the Angels will be the harvesters at the end of the age. The meek shall inherit the earth. Only the spiritual become Angels that find their wings to fly divinely. Only the spiritual teach their souls to fly. Only the spiritual have been divinely trained to help others to fly. 

This is my response to the Americans that have stood against yours truly. 

My good deeds were for the glory of God, he made it that way for his divine plan for humanity. As he said 'By the time they find out what we have done; it will be too late for them to change it'.

I have no religion, I am far beyond it, and have always been so.

My life and what I embraced and lived was based upon my experience of life.

I am undefined exactly as the heavenly Father said.

However, there came a time when I was called, then I was summoned to do the will of the divine. In recent years that included looking at different ancient texts to help others to make a breakthrough. When I was taken to the texts I was shown many aspects that I had already lived and experienced. 

I was also shown the prophecies to help people to comprehend the timelines. In addition, to where I fitted perfectly into some of them. As ordained for divine purpose. It was predicted well in advance what I would do and how I would it. Those that truly comprehend the prophecies from different nations, also comprehend what is taking place.

There are many people that have no interest in comprehending the timelines, or what is essential for them to live healthy lives of freedom.

That is fine, that is their choice, they get what they deserve. They reap what they sow.

I wrote the other day in response to people that are organizing 'inter-faith' conferences. That they 'must catch up with humanity, and stop living in their ivory towers.' That 'the amount of people that are standing against 'religion' is soaring, and the lives of many people in the USA are at stake.'

50% of Brits embrace life after death. However, that does not make them 'religious', it just means that they have a spiritual philosophy.

My spiritual philosophy was gained through life experience and it creates miracles in people lives. However, it does mean that they also have to put the effort into their transition and transcension out of the way of man, and into the way of the Spirit.

Life is a co-creation. Creation evolves and evolution creates.

This is the Age of Aquarius, the water carrier. The age of the humanitarian.

The Angels are here to do serious practical work. The Angels will be the harvesters. Those that put the serious effort in will reap the rewards for helping to raise humanity up. 

As far as Israel is concerned. Every nation has the right to exist. What is important now is what plane of existence people choose to live upon. Do they choose to live on the plane that leads people to 'self-destruction' and 'extinction' of species, people and nations. Or do they choose to live on the plane of existence that helps lives and nations to prosper in a healthy way that gives freedom to humanity?

The spiritual law exists as part of the physics of the cosmos. People can choose to embrace it and comprehend it for their own good health or do the opposite.

People can choose to live on the plane of existence that raises humanity up in a good way or the opposite.

People can choose to live on the planet of existence of the heart of healing or they can die for not doing so.

People were given free will to choose, some have no choice but to choose the right way if they choose to live life that flourishes abundantly for their children and their future on this planet.

Every individual is responsible for their co-creation.

The past created the present, the present creates the future.

Choose wisely. 

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