
Saturday 3 August 2013


The work done by Jeff Benner, author of the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon. Here in this video he provides what he calls a 'Textual Criticism' of the Isaiah scroll translations. Jeff does great work, although we not agree on everything. 

In this 2nd video Jeff explores the word ‘Pele’ that has been translated into English as ‘wonderful’.

Where do we find the word ‘Pele’? in Dodona, from Ancient Greek.

Clearly a short form of Peleaides

The prophetesses were called 'peleiades' and it means 'doves'. You may remember in Psalm 74 it mentions the 'Turtledove' and how King David asked that the 'Turtledove' not be given to the 'wild beast'. Does the name 'peleiades' remind you of the Pleiades mentioned in the bible?

'He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns midnight into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name.' Amos 5:8

Dodona remained an important spiritual sanctuary, until the rise of Rome and its Christianity.  

No surprise then that the Pleiades are known as the 'Seven Sisters', and Messier 45. [1] The numeric of 45 also takes us to Psalm 45 and the mention of the Bride that wore the golden gown that was gifted to her.

In North London there is a very long road called 'Seven Sisters', I drove up and down that road so many times. In fact, I even hired my wedding dress from a shop at the end of it. There is a venue there where artists like Eric Clapton and Donner Summer performed.

The Pleiades are 40 times brighter than our own sun if seen at the same distance. [1] As we know the numeric of 40, is also to do with the prophets, and is usually associated with Moses and the Hebrews time in the wilderness.

What else do we have on seven sisters? We find the terminology in the Blue Mountains of Australia.

'Bill Hardie, chairman of the Gundungurra Tribal Council, said: "We certainly will oppose [climbing]. Under no circumstances should anyone climb on those rocks." He said there were once seven pagodas of stone jutting out into the Jamison Valley at Echo Point and they were an intimate part of the Gundungurra's Muggadah or "Seven Sisters Dreaming" that is linked to the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades star cluster.
The Seven Sisters dreaming was common to Aboriginal tribes across Australia, he said, which made the Three Sisters sacred to more than just the Gundungurra.' [2] 

My son Jordan, myself and a friend visited the Blue Mountains when we were in Australia, it was stunning there. 

The seven stars mentioned in the book of Revelation could be referring to the Pleiades. For as we know, seven is the spiritual life number of Jesus. It is also my life number based on name given at birth.
In some texts the seven stars represent the Archangels. However, it is clear that it can also represent the prophetesses.

The stars written in your hand usually manifest as crosses. However, apparently, it is very rare to have one on the mount of Jupiter. I was told that it indicated that a very important man would come into my life. That star has grown so much since it was first seen, and it's currently my Jupiter Return, that is all about expansion of life.



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