
Tuesday 20 August 2013


This painting was from last night, I called this painting hearing because when I turned it the other way up, the red side looked like the shape of an ear. In the blue I can see baby and I can also see a face that I did not see while painting it. I do feel that there will be some research on the hearing of children in the womb and how sensitive their ears are to what is heard. How what they hear can impact upon them. I also feel that babies are clairaudient from when their hearing develops in the womb. However, what they hear while in the womb can impact on their clairaudience as they grow. 


Sometimes when you speak to people that live in different paradigms it becomes a 'Men comes from Mars, Women come from Venus' situation. Just imagine what it must be like for babies that arrive into this world, into a completely different and new reality. A reality that does not seem to resonate with their own. Talking to professionals can be like that as well, and each profession has what is known as its own industry 'jargon'. You find it in IT, in Marketing, Publishing, the Medical profession and Politics to name just a few.

Different ways to communicate, and different standards of communication. However, even among the professionals they are still listening for what they are trained to listen to and do what they are trained to do. Hence, it becomes difficult for some to hear what is really going on. I once said to a man, put all of the text books down, pick up their hands, look deeply into their eyes, connect with their hearts and then you will know them.

Being able to listen to what a person is really saying is a great art. Allowing self-expression is essential in life and the healing process. How often do people ask themselves, how well do I listen? Did I really hear what my friend was saying? If is often the case that due to a person's own experiences that 'perceptions' can get in the way. People form perceptions about others by the way they look, stand and dress. They come to conclusions based upon appearances, instead of listening to the heart beat.

When a baby leaves the womb, the heartbeat has been there continually. As such, after the birth, the mother's heartbeat is still essential for the baby; for continuity due to them leaving one realm to enter a different one. After birth the sensitive ears of the baby are no longer enveloped in the womb of the mother,  and sound has a much larger impact on their energetic and nervous system.

After my son was born, I spoke softly to him as he laid on my chest, I sang songs to him so that he would get used to sound of my voice in a different reality.

When you communicate are you singing a song that another would wish to hear? Is what you say applicable for sensitive ears? Do you know how sensitive the ears are to sound and vibration? Do you know how difficult it is for people to accept a new paradigm shift? When it means their whole world view has to change to make room for it. The cutting edge science is a new paradigm that is healthy for humanity, and those that resonate with truth have been sharing it for decades in the public domain.

There is still much to be comprehended scientifically in respect of clairaudience. However, I have great trust in our cutting edge scientists and the work that they have done and do. Having the ability to hear Spirit is a wonderful spiritual gift. However, I do embrace that everyone is born with what is also referred to as a faculty.

Metaphorically, ears can close just like mouth and eyes can close. However, as we know, they can also be opened again. Although the people have to be ready for it and sometimes that can happen very slowly, for some it can happen rapidly.

During my life I have met mediums who asked Spirit to go away when they were children. Spirit did as they asked and only returned visibly and clairaudiently when they were once again ready to receive.

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