
Sunday 18 August 2013

AUTISM and Psychoenergetic Science

I have great respect for Professor William Tiller, (USA) cutting edge ‘Psychoenergetic Science’ that is going mainstream. The new frontiers for humanity, regaining what has been buried in the mists of time. Redeeming the science that is positive and healthy for humanity. 

Its a long interview, well worth listening to what he has to say because it impacts on everyone including health policy. 

The new scientific paradigm that most of the spiritual have known was coming for decades. 

The trends have changed and are changing.

As we know this isn’t just about autistic children, it is about all children, and all beings that are sentient. 

The science of other realities and its impact on the evolution of human kind and its consciousness. 

Higher states of consciousness and purpose for being. 

A process of evolution. 

Creation evolves and evolution creates. 

The unique adventure. 

Suzy Miller speaks about how the children always said ‘We will meet you in the space in between’. 

That is what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene when she asked him how it was possible to see and hear him. See the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. 

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