
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Alligator Warning

Last night as I was going off to sleep I was taken into lucid dream state. I was shown what looked like an 'alligator' with mouth open and a small child about seven years old with blond hair. The 'alligator' was on the left, and the child was in front of it. The left side relates to physical reality.

I saw a man come up to the side of me on my left, and he rushed into the water after the 'alligator'. I was on the right and I then went into the water to rescue the child. Then as I was about to take the child in my arms and take it to safety, another alligator came after the body of the child. This time it looked like it had a white head as it was seen above the water.  Then the dream ended and I asked where? I received a gentle whisper, 'Mexico, Caribbean'.

This is clearly a warning for parents.

Yesterday there was also news that the Peruvian tribe that was seen in the rain forests have been coming out asking for food. It is written that the indigenous tribes and villagers cannot have any contact with them. If they did then due to a lack of immunity the newly discovered Peruvian tribe would die. This tells us that there is lack of food in that region, and if there is lack food for the tribe, then there is also a lack of food for the animals.


When animals are hungry, they will go further afield to other habitats to find food. Hence you can find them in places you would not anticipate coming across them. In the lucid dream it felt like a holiday type situation, and the water was like a river where the animals and the child was.

In dream interpretation to dream of an 'alligator' is a warning, an alert to be cautious in new places and situations. In spiritual symbology if the mouth was open like it was in the dream, then it means that the 'attacker', is going against the current and flow. In other words they are in a place that they should not be. As such, ultimately, they will come to harm, if they touch a child that is being rescued by the feminine.

A child in a dream can signify happiness in domestic affairs and/or business interests. However, when the dream includes an 'alligator', it can be a warning about people and those that you trust with the light and joy of your life. Can you put a child safely in a river in Mexico or the Caribbean? This lucid dream is telling us you cannot, and the children are in danger due to a lack of food. The biblical prophecies also spoke about the lack of food in this timeline in Isaiah 8, when shiloh come with the children. It also speaks of the testimony of warning.

If there is a rescue in a dream,  it can signify that there is an 'accident-prone' phase for a few weeks following a dream of being rescued. If the dream featured rescuing someone else, or others being rescued, it signifies sudden success in overcoming a previous obstacle.

For dream interpretation I recommend a book that was first published in England in 1974. Its called 'The Dreamers Dictionary' and it was written by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett. For spiritual symbology I recommend a book by J.C. Cooper called 'An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols'. First published in London in 1978. There are nearly 1500 different entries, and it provides a comparative view of symbols in different cultures.

Of course, your own view is also important to comprehending the dreams and what is going on in your own life and also globally. It is important to be able to tell the difference between when a dream is about your own life, or whether there is a bigger picture. That is why it is important that you ask for further information if you require it. Spirit will guide you with your comprehension of the message, if you ask Spirit to do so, and you are coming from pure intention.

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