
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Prince Charles Conspiracy C8.Q73

Nostradamus gave a prophecy to do with a king and what would happen due to 'greed'. The quatrain is C8.Q73.

The king is struck by a barbarian soldier,
unjustly, not far from death.
The greedy will be the cause of the deed,
conspirator and realm in great remorse.

As we know with Elizabeth being the head of the Church of England, it puts her above the laws made by men. Elizabeth also holds the copyright of the KJV. Is Charles ruled by the rules of men? Clearly not, for he is speaking out and up for those things that we hold dear in our hearts in Christ. He has stood up, spoken out, and been counted. Ultimately, experience counts and Charles knows what the corporations do. What does the bible say about those that are above the 'elemental spiritual forces', do you know? 

Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules. Colossians 2:20. Are the people ready for a new paradigm? 

I do not condone how Charles treated his first wife Diana. However, he was made to marry the woman that was chosen for him. So I can see both sides of it. They also became great friends again prior to her passing. The Nostradamus prophecy predicted what would happen at a time of a bereavement. So what do you know about the 'barbarian soldier', and what took place 'unjustly' due to 'greed?'. 

If you look into the history of the working life of Charles, up comes the 'Republican' and a man that was born in Germany in 1948. Remember the 'cold war?' The academic that moved to England was the first professor of complimentary medicine, and he was given a department at Exeter University. 

Edzard Ernst a Republican member who stood against Prince Charles; and his progressive ideals for a new healthy paradigm for his nation was beyond measure. As such, Charles was 'struck by a 'barbarian soldier' 'unjustly'. The prophecy mentions the 'greedy', and also the 'cause of the deed' along with a 'death'. So who did murder Princess Diana? Was it the 'barbarian' soldier that works for the corporations? Upon whose orders was the instruction given? Why was Princess Diana warned to stay away from land mines? Who was making money from selling them, do you know? 

Charles has spent his life talking to flowers and growing them. His estate also develops herbal remedies and we all know how the corporations feel about that. In 2001, Ernst was on a scientific committee on Herbal Medicinal Products of the Irish Medicine Board. As we know Ireland is also linked to the Catholics and Rome. In 2005, he was member of the Medicine Commission of the British Medicines Control Agency (now part of the MHRA). It determines which substances may be introduced and promoted as medicine. 

In 2008, he became an external examiner for several university medical schools in several countries. Fancy that, what on earth would a professor of complimentary medicine be doing getting involved in trainee doctor examinations unless he had a motive to determine the outcome of who became doctors in those countries?  New doctors that would support the old paradigm of pharmaceutical companies and their corporations. Who else would benefit from such a reality? The Vatican that was involved in WW2  with Islam. 

In 2011, Ernst was elected as a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and it looks like he comes from the same space as Richard Dawkins.
So what was the motive for the 'death? Nostradamus tells us it was 'greed'. What was the cause of them striking the king around the time of the passing? Its to do with the 'unjust', who are 'greedy'. Where does that take us? Big pharma, corporations, investors and its shareholders = Republican. 

Its no coincidence that a man that was standing against yours truly in that timeline also went by the name of 'conspirator'. I was also bereaved, and was running a spiritual freedom campaign in the UK. 

To inspire others to defend the healers and their divine right to practice their spiritual art without British government intervention. That was during the Rev 12 timeline. Hence the work that Charles was doing was aligned with my own at that time. Charles enjoys receiving Reiki and embraces the healing arts. Our Queen of Hearts Diana also visited astrologers and clairvoyants. In ancient times the clairvoyants were called 'Seers' and spirituality was rising at an incredible rate in the UK. 

However, the European Republicans had other ideas about what was going to happen in Europe. 

Thank goodness, the German healers were awake, and they arose and took it all the way to the Supreme Court, they won the case for spiritual freedom for healing energy work. 

There is no requirement for a massage qualification for Reiki. Did Jesus Christ have to have a massage qualification to do energy work? No. 

Has there been a conspiracy against Prince Charles and him following his heart? Yes. It also appears that they have infiltrated every charity and foundation that he has been involved with. The Republicans were determined to 'discredit', the Prince of Wales, the future king of England.  His good intentions for his nation, and the motive is clearly outlined in the Nostradamus prophecy. 

Have you seen what some Republican Americans say about Charles? What does that say about them? Even some members of the American Church stand against Charles without any reason to do so. Is that fair, is that just? We all know about the American justice system, and those that would like to give the young American Bradley Manning a '60 year prison sentence' for exposing the 'barbarian soldiers'. 

Oh dear, the truth saw the light of day, and Bradley Manning should be allowed to go free in the true nature of the spiritual law and its biblical teachings. 

The news is that the judge has given a sentence of 35 years and Manning could get out in 11 years. Wikileaks have called it a 'significant strategic victory'. How many years have Wikileaks spent in an American prison? Truly, Bradley Manning will be lucky to come out of their alive. So now the campaign for his complete freedom must begin with great urgency.

Bradley Manning laid down his own life for the truth, and peace for his nation, and the USA has certainly paid the cost for their 'mockery', of the will of the LORD. Will the 35 year sentence for Manning improve the image of the USA in the eyes of the world? Certainly not.

Jesus predicted that which is hidden would be disclosed and so it was. How does it feel America? To be called out for what you have done?

Wisdom will be proven right by her actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words. 



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