
Saturday 20 April 2013

'Son of Man' is Bound

In the previous post we shared about being 'bound in the heart' of the entrusted one who is mentioned in the prophecies for the last days of the end times.

Prophet Ezekiel states that the 'Son of Man' is bound, tied with ropes, so that Ezekiel could not go out amongst the people. The same is mentioned in the book of Revelation. The one that was put upon the throne goes out no more. The book of revelation is repeating what was said to Prophet Ezekiel. Although, the book of revelation does not explain the reason why the person that was victorious and overcome is not allowed out anymore. 

However, if you correlate that with the verse in Jeremiah, the LORD bound his daughter Zion (Micah 4) to him in the same way that he bound the people of Israel and Judah. So when the LORD bound them in my heart, he was also binding them to him. For whomever is in my heart, is also in the heart of the LORD. From life experience I know that whoever is bound in my heart prospers. 

So what are the ropes mentioned by Ezekiel? It is well known in mysticism there is a mystics rope. In the Aramaic translation of the ancient texts, the rope goes through the eye of the needle.  Modern day the ropes are usually associated with boats in the same way they were in ancient times. No coincidence then that Jesus was a carpenter as well as a healer. Was he also a boat builder? 

Interesting that when I received the message for the people that are bound in my heart, they are the same people that were given this mandala in 2012. It looks just like the wheel of a ship and it has four sacred keys of life. 

In Matthew Jesus tells you that what is 'bound on earth, is bound in heaven, what is loosed on earth, is loosed in heaven'.

As we know Jesus also predicted that the 'Son of Man' would come in the last days of the end times. The term is a term of endearment for a prophet. Biblical scholars agree that when Jesus was speaking of the 'Son of Man' to come he was not speaking of himself.

Just like the 'Son of Man', Ezekiel was bound, yours truly is bound in the heart of the LORD with the ropes of the mystic.  Does it remind you of the word 'Housebound'? Many of the mystics are housebound at this time of the meantime of the sober decade. Their gentle and sensitive souls are being defended by the LORD and daughter Zion.

Prophet Ezekiel was made into a watchman for the people of Israel and to give them warnings. Eze 3:17. In Micah 4, daughter Zion is also referred to as the watchtower for the flock. Just like Ezekiel was sent to what is written as a 'rebellious' people, so to was daughter Zion sent to America to warn them about what was coming upon their nation in this timeline of Micah 4. Just like in the times of Jeremiah and Israel/Judah, the spiritual and other leaders in the USA did not listen.

Many Americans know what has taken place in the USA since 2008. In 2007, I was sent to warn them not to 'fire the grids', and not to do send out instructions for 'worldwide meditations'. It was explained that the 'law of attraction' can be 'fatal' and few understand the physics of the cosmos and what can be co-created. Even the cutting-edge scientists are still trying to comprehend the laws of cause and effect.

Prophet Isaiah also shared in the scriptures that the Islands would await the law. He knew that the one that was promised to come would be born on an Island. That is why after Jesus left, some of his followers went to different Islands looking for the next paraclete that he promised would come to help them.

In the Essene Gospel it shares with you that if the 'Son of Man' had not come in this timeline, then everything would be completely destroyed. This time is being shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect.

Ezekiel was asked to draw the city of Jerusalem on clay. Ezekiel 4:1, yours truly was compelled to paint the new city of Jerusalem that shall come to be, it shall not be built in Israel. Of course the word Messiah is to do with paint that is smeared and I began painting in 2012.

The name of the city has been given, the exact location, the design, the colors, everything. It is bound in my heart. At this point in time the prophecies tell us that the land is being cleared out of 'wild beasts.' As such, it is being prepared for the new holy city to come to be, exactly as the prophecies predicted.


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