
Saturday 20 April 2013

Reiki a Key to the Kingdom

In the last post we shared about the 'binding of the Son of Man' and the people that are bound in my heart. During my life I attended a wedding and beautiful colored ribbons were spread through the Church to bind the two people together in the different colors of the rainbow.

Sadly, the rainbow colors given to them by the color healers were not enough to keep them together due to the incompatibility of the journey of their souls and their earthly requirements. It was easy for them to cut the ribbons that bound them. Neither of them had the rope of the mystic at that point in time, and I had been sent to Australia for a year. The couple did contact me while I was in Australia and I did see the death of a situation coming and the birth of a child.

On my return from Australia in 1999, they were still together, and I came back into their lives. However, much water had gone under the bridge of peace while I had been in a different country. I did my utmost to help them again. However, there was outside interference, and there was nothing more that I could do to keep them together to resolve their differences.

When people marry it is very important that they are compatible in every way, it is also important that their soul journey's are in alignment with each other. It is the North Nodes in your birth charts that provide you with information about your souls and its journey. Jan Spiller wrote a lovely book, called 'Astrology of the Soul', and it shares all about the North Nodes that you are.

When I was in Australia I was informed divinely, that when children understand energy then they will be attracted to each other for the right reasons, and then there will be no more divorces. It is very important that people marry and have relationships with people that are healthy for them and their energies.

This new blog mentions the 'keys to the kingdom' for healing consciousness and Reiki is certainly one of those.

My son Jordan was attuned to Reiki at the age of 14 with another teenager. He was blessed to receive at an eco-community in nature. A wonderful place to experience the energy for himself. 

I had no plans to teach Reiki, I was just planning on completing my healing art at that point in time. As the years went on I discovered that Reiki Mastership was just the beginning and all the rest had been preparation. 

It was only after I began teaching that I discovered there is so much more to it in so many different ways. That once again, I was just a vessel for the divine energy to work through. An instrument of loveliness and lovingkindness. It is wonderful to work in such a sacred space, so pure, so wholesome. So enlivening, and joyous in every way. 

Reiki can open a person up to many divine realities, as such, the youngest child that I was happy to teach was 11 years old. Her mother who was a university lecturer said that her daughter was so impressed with the healing that her mother had given the child, that she wished to learn as well. It was at the request of the child. 

I contemplated on the consequences and the responsibility involved. I gave my permission to allow the child to come on a training course with the adults in equality.  However, I also advised the mother that she must come to accompany her daughter and together they were bound together in the heart with the Reiki and their divine experiences. 

The academic mother had been going through a tough time emotionally prior to me meeting her, like many of us, she had been hit hard by a divorce. The Reiki and her divine experiences raised her vibration up, and she now had access to the healing art for healing herself and others. When the daughter trained in Reiki she was then enabled to give Reiki to her mum. It is wonderful for parents and children to give to each other in the same way it is wonderful when husband and wife give each other healing. 

Most Christians are not aware that Reiki is in the bible, it is what the Apostles and Jesus did. Jesus said the path was narrow, it certainly is, Reiki is a pathway to enlightenment. 


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