
Friday 19 April 2013

Bound in the Heart

The LORD said 'Now they know that they are bound in your heart'. So what does it mean to be bound in the heart of someone? 

The word 'bound' is mentioned in Genesis 22:9, 44:30. In the book of Jeremiah the LORD bounds the people of Israel and Judah to him like a belt around the waist, yet they did not listen to what Jeremiah was telling them.  

Prophet Ezekiel states that the 'Son of Man' is bound, tied with ropes, so that he could not go amongst the people. The same is mentioned in the book of Revelation. The one that was put upon the throne goes out no more. The book of revelation is repeating what was said to Prophet Ezekiel. Although, the book of revelation does not explain the reason why the person chosen is not allowed out anymore. 

However, if you correlate that with the verse in Jeremiah, the LORD bound his daughter Zion to him in the same way that he bound the people of Israel and Judah. So when the LORD bound them in my heart, he was also binding them to him. For whomever is in my heart, is also in the heart of the LORD. From life experience I know that whoever is bound in my heart prospers. 

Ezekiel also mentions the 'Pharaoh' and he was not bound up or to be healed. The arm of the 'Pharaoh' is 'broken'. Ezekiel 30:21. The LORD also referred to Obama as the 'Pharaoh' in 2008, when he showed me that he would strike Pakistan at Chinese New Year. That did indeed take place exactly as he predicted. It was only four days into the African-American's presidency when what had been predicted took place. I contacted a doctor from Pakistan to let her know about the message that I had received prior to the event that happened. 

In recent weeks I have also been shown that the 'Pharaoh' is mentioned in the Qu'ran in Surah 44, and in my humble view it is about the last days of the end times because it mentions the night time. It also mentions the honorable Apostle that would come. When I was discussing it with a British Muslim at the time, I felt that it indicated an explosion at a chemical factory, and there has been a factory explosion yesterday at Waco in the USA. Surah 44 is the 'Smoke' prophecy. 

In the book of Samuel we find this verse. 

'Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my lord will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord your God, but the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling.' 1 Samuel 25:29. 

Prophet Isaiah spoke of the servants of God being bound by contract, clearly, it is a karmic contract and agreement that they had made with the LORD pre-destination.  We find another verse from Isaiah, 'Let no foreigner who is bound to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely exclude me from his people.” And let no eunuch complain, “I am only a dry tree.” Isaiah 56:3. 


In the book of Matthew it is to do with the keys of the kingdom. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18. 

'Folly is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away'. Proverbs 22:15. As we know children do not like to receive discipline or the correction given by wisdom due to life experience. Nor do adults that are still children at heart, those that are required to develop and grow in a mature way both spiritually and emotionally. The word 'folly' relates to children due to their inability to comprehend their own senses and purpose in life. 

Architecturally, a 'folly' is a building that is purely ornamental and decorative, like men that collect women, and people who collect babies. Like children that collect 'toys' and people collect 'gadgets'. A 'folly' is created for pleasure as we know some babies are conceived due to it. While I was writing that the LORD said 'McDonalds'. 

Hence, the 'folly' of children is usually due to their parents own 'folly' that is passed onto their children. The never ending repeating cycles and this is certainly the era for breaking the never ending cycles; so that the keys of the kingdom can be received by those that wish to receive them. 

Collecting can be 'cognitive', start children off with collecting when they are young, they will continue to collect when they are older. That is what savings accounts were all about, teach them young to save, and they will spend the rest of their lives attached to that which they are saving to spend. Are you getting the bigger picture? 

Of course there are children that are being taught to save in a different way, some are learning healing and instead of 'saving to spend', their parents are 'spending to save'. When children know how to heal themselves and others, you can see that ushering in of the Messianic kingdom is in good progress. For as we know Jesus was a healer. 

However, collecting can also relate to a past life experience. There was a time in my life when I collected antiques and engravings of children from the Victorian era. It was due to past life healing that I was shown the Victorian lifetime as a child and what happened in that life. Collecting the engravings of children was an unconscious act at that time. In hindsight, it was showing me two things. First, the past life that required healing, and secondly, that I had an important mission with children in this lifetime.

When you carefully and deeply, you give your heart, you don't just hold them in your heart. They are bound in your heart due to your willingness for nothing to harm them ever. Like a heart of a wife is bound to her husband, and the heart of a husband is bound to his wife. 

Now that the LORD has bound them in my heart, we know scientifically that the heart is the seat of intelligence. It is so that they can comprehend, and have good sense to receive the keys to the kingdom when offered to them. 

The Harp of Faithfulness resides in heaven, the wondrous woman from heaven. 


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