
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Thatcher Day RIP

Thatcher Day, the day of the funeral at St Paul's Cathedral. Maggie mapped out and planned her funeral years in advance, she planned for it to be a fully Christian funeral, clearly she is making her last point today. She knew it would be the end of an era, and that there would be celebrations and recriminations. Yet, her final message to the nation that she loved, and the 2,000 people invited is a spiritual one.

This painting came to be last night and the more that I look at it, the more it reminds me of the era that began with Maggie Thatcher and the 'empowered woman' in the driving seat of 10 Downing Street. The very first female PM.



The BBC report that Maggie said these words. "However good we try to be, we can never be as kind, gentle and wise as Jesus. There will be times when we do or say something we wish we hadn't done and we shall be sorry and try not to do it again. If you and I were to paint a picture, it wouldn't be as good as the picture of great artists. So our lives can't be as good as the life of Jesus."

Is that what Jesus taught to his true followers? Didn't he tell his true followers that you will do greater things than I, and that they had to give up everything to follow him? 

It makes sense to me for a British musician, Eric Clapton to sing this song on this day. Did Maggie feel like this about the banks and bankers after de-regulation? 


It is written that Maggie said 'The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened". Now it is the case that the indigenous people of London are now a minority in their own city! As such, the vast immigration that has taken place in the UK, is also a 'cognitive war' against the people. Cultural genocide that has been purposefully introduced to make the people so afraid, that they do not stand up to the government. A government whose banks and bankers are in bed with Islam, Sharia finance and law. It is no coincidence that the Olympic village had already been sold to Qatari prior to the games being held. Or the fact, that Western nations fight the wars for Saudi and the Kings of the East. Nostradamus also predicted that they would, and that seven Islamic leaders would be murdered. He also predicted that the king after this one in Saudi would be the last one. 



1 comment:

  1. LYRID METEOR SHOWER PEAKS TONIGHT: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid Meteor Shower. Usually the shower is mild (10-20 meteors per hour) but unmapped filaments of dust in the comet's tail sometimes trigger outbursts ten times stronger. Forecasters say the best time to look is during the dark hours before local dawn on Monday, April 22nd. [photo gallery.
