
Thursday 25 April 2013

MASH Prophecy

On the 23rd of February 2013 I shared the following:

He (Jesus) was more interested in the health of the people, that is why first and foremost he was a healer of consciousness ( he made sure that I was able to do likewise). Now ponder upon the healing work that he did with Magdalene and what he removed from her. He told his followers that if they did not bring forth what was within them then what they did not bring forth would destroy them and they would 'taste death'. 

On Thursday, I could smell 'MASH'. Now read Isaiah 30, bearing in mind that the LORD referred to Obama as the 'Pharaoh' in 2008. 

'The Oxen and donkeys that work the soil will eat fodder and mash, spread out with fork and shovel" Isaiah 30:40. "Through a land of hardship and distress, of lions and lionesses, of adders and darting snakes, the envoys carry their riches on donkey's backs'. Isaiah 30:6. 

Now which nation makes posters with the words 'Don't tread on me?'. The USA. 

Which nation refers to women as 'cougars etc. The USA. 

No surprise then that an American woman (Orthodox Christian) posts on forums with the name 'Fork' and she posts with her partner. Now what is the 'mash' made from do you know? Is it a coincidence that the USA brought out a television series called 'MASH'?' Is it a coincidence that the series was about military doctors? Is it a coincidence that the American military have been fed pharmaceuticals? 

Do you know what the Europeans gave the Native Americans to eat when they wished to destroy them? They gave them a high carb diet and what is the main diet of Americans? Mainly high carbs. Now understand what a high carb diet does to your consciousness. 

Do you know that when children at Great Ormand Street hospital (London) were put on a high protein, low carb diet that their epileptic fits stopped altogether? 

Remember this that the MASH series made it trendy to go into the military. Orthodox Christianity also supported the military operations of the USA. Now ponder upon the sheer amount of Hollywood films that have been about the American military. As the LORD said it is 'Cognitive' and it is do with 'Cognitive war'.

Do you remember films like 'Officer and a Gentleman' with Richard Gere and the song 'Up where we belong'. Or the film, 'Top Gun' with Tom Cruise and the song 'Take my breath away'.  Good looking men in the military! Actors that children look up to as role models, with great songs have all been part of the 'indoctrination' of a nation, especially of the USA.


News as come in this night that Alan Arbus, Dr Sidney Freedman in M*A*S*H has passed over age 95. May he rest in peace.

Remember this thoroughbred horses don't eat mash that is spread out by a 'fork' or 'shovel'.


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