
Friday 26 April 2013

2013 Lunar Eclipse Paintings

These paintings came to be on the lunar eclipse on the 25th of April, 2013. I have called the first painting 'blossom' because it remind me of the pink blossom that is still on the trees where I live. The blossom also reminds me of Springtime and that Summer is near. While I was uploading that a Christian skyped me this message from Prophet Isaiah.


Prophet Isaiah 35:2, 'It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it. The majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall sing the glory of the LORD, the majesty of our elohiym. 

I see action with this painting so I have called it 'ACTION', due to the dew from heaven impacting on the grass roots. I have also been discussing action on this shabat with a lady on skype. This was our first discussion as far as I can remember. I can also see a 'blue bird' in the painting. The blue bird is also to do with righteousness. 


The next painting that came to be last night was this one and it looks like a discovery to me. It looks like a dolphin or a whale in a rock.


Then this HAMSA that is all about transformation due to its colours. I can see four honey badgers in the painting. Red hair and red lips. Red hair reminds me of the boy with the red hair in the USA that was involved in the Kern County shooting, that we shared the day before it happened after the LORD had said 'Kilowatt'.



I see the Christ energy around the red and the pink. Around the life and the love, golden energy also reminds me of Jesus. Although in Rev 12 the wondrous woman from heaven was dressed in the sun, and in Psalm 45 the Royal Bride was given the golden gown to wear. I see that the Christ energy surrounds the heart energy of love and life. My first view of the painting reminds me of the union, the union that acts upon the teachings of his love and exalts his life. 

After the above video was uploaded on youtube four years ago, the LORD said 'Not, one hundred thousand, one hundred million Angels'. Today, the 26th of April is the 'Day of Cultivation' and so it is about the cultivating the angels for the divine plan of divine intervention. 26 is also the gematria value of the name of God and this lunar eclipse has been about having the courage to manifest in the physical world. A very good eclipse for body therapies, massage, and yoga etc. 

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